;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.presentation) ;;;;;; ;;; menu-bar/widget (def (icon e) show-submenu) (def (component e) menu-bar/widget (standard/widget menu-items/mixin) () (:documentation "A MENU-BAR/WIDGET is always shown with a flat list of MENU-ITEM/WIDGETs immediately VISIBLE.")) (def (macro e) menu-bar/widget ((&rest args &key &allow-other-keys) &body menu-items) `(make-instance 'menu-bar/widget ,@args :menu-items (flatten (list ,@menu-items)))) (def render-xhtml menu-bar/widget (bind (((:read-only-slots menu-items id style-class custom-style) -self-)) (render-dojo-widget (+dijit/menu-bar+ () :id id)
))) ;;;;;; ;;; popup-menu/widget (def (component e) popup-menu/widget (standard/widget content/component menu-items/mixin) () (:documentation "A POPUP-MENU/WIDGET is only shown upon explicit user interaction on its CONTENT.")) (def (macro e) popup-menu/widget ((&rest args &key &allow-other-keys) content &body menu-items) `(make-instance 'popup-menu/widget ,@args :content ,content :menu-items (flatten (list ,@menu-items)))) (def render-xhtml popup-menu/widget (bind (((:read-only-slots menu-items id style-class custom-style) -self-)) (when menu-items )>))) ;;;;;; ;;; context-menu/widget ;; dojo context menus are broken on opera up to at least v10.10: http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/9227 (def (icon e) show-context-menu) (def (component e) context-menu/widget (standard/widget menu-items/mixin lazy/mixin) () (:documentation "A CONTEXT-MENU/WIDGET is attached to its PARENT-COMPONENT as its CONTEXT-MENU.")) (def (macro e) context-menu/widget ((&rest args &key &allow-other-keys) &body menu-items) `(make-instance 'context-menu/widget ,@args :menu-items (flatten (list ,@menu-items)))) (def render-component context-menu/widget (values)) (def render-xhtml context-menu/widget (bind (((:read-only-slots menu-items id style-class custom-style) -self-) (parent-id (id-of (parent-component-of -self-)))) (when menu-items (render-dojo-widget (+dijit/menu+ `(:targetNodeIds ,parent-id) :id id)
)))) (def layered-method render-component-stub :in xhtml-layer :after ((-self- context-menu/widget)) (bind (((:read-only-slots id) -self-) (parent-id (id-of (parent-component-of -self-)))) ;; TODO due to the custom :js this hinders the optimization in render-action-js-event-handler (render-action-js-event-handler "oncontextmenu" parent-id (make-action (setf (lazily-rendered-component? -self-) #f)) :js (lambda (href) `js(hdp.io.lazy-context-menu-handler event connection ,href ,id ,parent-id)) :one-shot #t :stop-event #t) ;; another alternative, but left clicking anything will force the context menu to download, and i think :xhr-sync true is also missing... #+nil (render-action-js-event-handler "onmousedown" parent-id (make-action (setf (to-be-rendered-component? -self-) #t)) :subject-dom-node parent-id :one-shot #t :sync #t))) ;;;;;; ;;; menu-item/widget (def (component e) menu-item/widget (standard/widget content/component menu-items/mixin) () (:documentation "A MENU-ITEM/WIDGET is an intermediate or leaf COMPONENT in a MENU-HIERARCHY.")) (def (macro e) menu-item/widget ((&rest args &key &allow-other-keys) content &body menu-items) `(make-instance 'menu-item/widget ,@args :content ,content :menu-items (flatten (list ,@menu-items)))) (def (function e) make-menu-item (content &rest menu-items) (bind ((menu-items (flatten menu-items))) (when (or menu-items content) (make-instance 'menu-item/widget :content content :menu-items (mapcar (lambda (menu-item) (if (typep menu-item 'menu-item/widget) menu-item (make-menu-item menu-item))) menu-items))))) (def (function e) make-submenu-item (content &rest menu-items) (bind ((menu-items (flatten menu-items))) (when menu-items (make-menu-item content menu-items)))) (def render-xhtml menu-item/widget (bind (((:read-only-slots menu-items id style-class custom-style content) -self-)) (if menu-items (render-dojo-widget ((if (typep (parent-component-of -self-) 'menu-bar/widget) +dijit/popup-menu-bar-item+ +dijit/popup-menu-item+))
(render-content-for -self-)) ,(render-dojo-widget (+dijit/menu+)
)>) (when (visible-component? content) (render-dojo-widget (+dijit/menu-item+ `(:iconClass ,(typecase content (icon/widget (icon-style-class content)) (content/mixin (bind ((content-content (content-of content))) (when (typep content-content 'icon/widget) (icon-style-class content-content)))) (t nil))) :id id)
(when (typep content 'command/widget) (render-command-onclick-handler content id))))))) (def function render-show-context-menu-command-for (component) (declare (ignore component)) ;; TODO: add js to really show the menu (render-component (icon/widget show-context-menu :label nil))) (def method command-position ((self menu-item/widget)) (if (menu-items-of self) most-positive-fixnum (command-position (content-of self)))) ;;;;;; ;;; menu-item-separator/widget (def (component e) menu-item-separator/widget (standard/widget) () (:documentation "A MENU-ITEM-SEPARATOR/WIDGET is a leaf COMPONENT in the MENU-HIERARCHY separating other MENU-ITEM/WIDGETs.")) (def (macro e) menu-item-separator/widget (&rest args &key &allow-other-keys) `(make-instance 'menu-item-separator/widget ,@args)) (def render-xhtml menu-item-separator/widget (bind (((:read-only-slots id) -self-)) (render-dojo-widget (+dijit/menu-separator+ () :id id)