;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.presentation) ;;;;;; ;;; Checkbox field (def (function e) render-checkbox-field (value &key checked-image unchecked-image (id (unique-js-name "_chkb")) checked-tooltip unchecked-tooltip checked-class unchecked-class on-change name value-sink (preprocess-value #t) (disabled #f)) "PREPROCESS-VALUE means that the js value is turned into a lisp value using STRING-TO-LISP-BOOLEAN." (check-type disabled boolean) (assert (or (and (null checked-image) (null unchecked-image)) (and checked-image unchecked-image))) (assert (not (and name value-sink))) (assert (or disabled name value-sink) () "you must provide either a NAME or a VALUE-SINK argument to ~S unless it's a DISABLED one" 'render-checkbox-field) (when (typep name 'client-state-sink) (setf name (id-of name))) (bind ((name (unless disabled (if name (etypecase name (client-state-sink (id-of name)) (string name)) (progn (assert (functionp value-sink)) (id-of (if preprocess-value (client-state-sink (client-value) (funcall value-sink (string-to-lisp-boolean client-value))) (client-state-sink (client-value) (funcall value-sink client-value)))))))) (custom (or checked-image checked-class)) (hidden-id (string+ id "_hidden")) (checked (when value ""))) (unless disabled ) (if custom ;; FIXME i think it's completely bitrotten... (progn ;; TODO :tabindex (tabindex field) ;; :class (style-class field) ;; handle :disabled
tags are not allowed without an alt, but this is pure confusion here... )> `js-onload(hdp.field.setup-custom-checkbox ,id ,disabled ,checked-image ,unchecked-image ,checked-tooltip ,unchecked-tooltip ,checked-class ,unchecked-class)) (progn ;; TODO :accesskey (accesskey field) ;; :title (or (tooltip field) (if value ;; (enabled-tooltip-of field) ;; (disabled-tooltip-of field))) ;; :tabindex (tabindex field) ;; :class (style-class field) ;; :style (style field) `js-onload(hdp.field.setup-simple-checkbox ,id ,disabled ,checked-tooltip ,unchecked-tooltip)))) (values)) ;;;;;; ;;; String field (def function render-string-field (type value client-state-sink &key (id (generate-unique-component-id "_stw")) on-change on-key-down on-key-up) ;; TODO dojoRows 3 (render-dojo-widget (+dijit/text-box+ () :id id) )) ;;;;;; ;;; Number field (def function render-number-field (value client-state-sink &key (id (generate-unique-component-id "_nrw")) on-change on-key-down on-key-up) (render-dojo-widget (+dijit/number-text-box+ () :id id) )) ;;;;;; ;;; Combo box (def function render-combo-box-field (value possible-values &key (id (generate-unique-component-id "_w")) name (key #'identity) (test #'equal) (client-name-generator #'princ-to-string)) )>) (values)) ;;;;;; ;;; Upload file (def function render-upload-file-field (&key (id (generate-unique-component-id)) access-key tooltip tab-index class style client-state-sink (name (awhen client-state-sink (id-of it)))) ) ;;;;;; ;;; Popup menu select field (def function render-popup-menu-select-field (value possible-values &key value-sink classes (test #'equal) (key #'identity)) (bind ((div-id (generate-unique-component-id)) (field-id (generate-unique-component-id)) (name (id-of (client-state-sink (client-value) (funcall value-sink client-value)))) (index (position value possible-values :key key :test test)))