;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.wui) (def localization en (render-application-internal-error-page (&key administrator-email-address &allow-other-keys)
,(when administrator-email-address

>)>) ) (def js-localization en (error.ajax.request-to-invalid-session "The connection to the server has timed out. You can reconnect by refreshing the page.") (error.ajax.request-to-invalid-frame "TODO error.ajax.request-to-invalid-frame") (error.network-error.title "Communication error") (error.network-error "There was an error while communicating with the server. This might be due to a transient network error, so please try reloading the page. If the problem persist, then please contact the administrators.") (error.generic-javascript-error.title "Unexpected client side error") (error.generic-javascript-error "There was an unexpected error on the client side. This might be due to a browser incompatibility, so please make sure your browser is supported and updated. If the problem persist using a supported browser, then please contact the operator.") (error.internal-server-error.title "Internal server error") (error.internal-server-error "An internal server error has occurred, we are sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again") (action.reload-page "Refresh page") (action.cancel "Cancel") ) (def localization en (class-name.application "application") (class-name.session "session") (class-name.frame "frame") (class-name.action "action") (class-name.entry-point "entry point") (slot-name.debug-on-error "debug on error") (slot-name.processed-request-counter "request counter") (slot-name.priority "priority") (slot-name.path-prefix "path prefix") (slot-name.requests-to-sessions-count "number of requests to sessions") (slot-name.default-uri-scheme "default uri scheme") (slot-name.default-locale "default locale") (slot-name.supported-locales "supported locales") (slot-name.default-timezone "default timezone") (slot-name.session-class "session class") (slot-name.session-timeout "session timeout") (slot-name.frame-timeout "frame timeout") (slot-name.sessions-last-purged-at "sessions last purged at") (slot-name.maximum-sessions-count "maximum number of sessions") (slot-name.session-id->session "session map") (slot-name.administrator-email-address "administrator email address") (slot-name.running-in-test-mode "running in test mode") (slot-name.ajax-enabled "ajax enabled") (slot-name.dojo-skin-name "dojo skin name") (slot-name.dojo-file-name "dojo file name") (slot-name.dojo-directory-name "dojo directory name"))