;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.web-server.test) (def macro with-main-logger-level (log-level &body body) `(with-logger-level (hu.dwim.web-server::log ,log-level) ,@body)) (def special-variable *muffle-compiler-warnings* t "Muffle or not the compiler warnings while the tests are running.") (def macro with-test-compiler-environment (&body body) `(handler-bind ((style-warning (lambda (c) (when *muffle-compiler-warnings* (muffle-warning c))))) ,@body)) (def suite* (test :in root-suite) (&key (log-level +warn+)) (with-main-logger-level log-level (with-test-compiler-environment (-run-child-tests-)))) (macrolet ((main-suite (name) `(def suite* (,name :in root-suite) (&key (log-level +warn+)) (with-main-logger-level log-level (with-test-compiler-environment (-run-child-tests-)))))) (main-suite test) (main-suite integration)) (def function integration-test () (startup-test-server/project-file-server :log-level +debug+ :wait nil) (sleep 2) (integration) (shutdown-test-server)) (def definer test (name args &body body) `(def hu.dwim.stefil::test ,name ,args ;; rebind these, so that we can setf it freely in the tests... (bind ((*test-application* *test-application*) (*test-server* *test-server*)) ,@body))) (def special-variable *test-host* +any-host+ "The test server host.") (def special-variable *test-port* 8080 "The test server port.") (def special-variable *test-server* nil "The currently running test server.") (def special-variable *test-application* nil "The currently running test application.") (def special-variable *running-test-servers* (list) "All the servers that have been started by the test code and hasn't been shut down yet.") (def function startup-test-server (server &key maximum-worker-count) (when maximum-worker-count (setf (maximum-worker-count-of server) maximum-worker-count)) (finishes (is (not (is-server-running? server))) (write-string (test-server-info-string server) *debug-io*) (startup-server server) (unless (zerop (maximum-worker-count-of server)) (is (is-server-running? server)) (pushnew server *running-test-servers*) (setf *test-server* server))) server) (def function shutdown-test-server (&optional (server *test-server*)) (finishes (is (not (null server))) (dolist (listen-entry (listen-entries-of server)) (is (not (null (socket-of listen-entry))))) (shutdown-server server) (dolist (listen-entry (listen-entries-of server)) (is (null (socket-of listen-entry)))) (setf *running-test-servers* (delete server *running-test-servers*)) (when (eq server *test-server*) (setf *test-server* nil)) (values))) (def function startup-test-server-with-handler (handler &rest args &key (wait #t) (host *test-host*) (port *test-port*) (server-type 'server) (maximum-worker-count 16) ; lower to 0 to start the server in the REPL thread &allow-other-keys) (remove-from-plistf args :server-type) (bind ((server (apply #'make-instance server-type :host host :port port :maximum-worker-count maximum-worker-count args))) (setf (handler-of server) handler) (if wait (startup-test-server-and-wait server) (startup-test-server server)))) (def function startup-test-server-with-brokers (brokers &rest args &key (wait #t) (host *test-host*) (port *test-port*) (server-type 'broker-based-server) (maximum-worker-count 16) ; lower to 0 to start the server in the REPL thread &allow-other-keys) (when *test-server* (cerror "Start anyway" "*TEST-SERVER* is not NIL which means that there's a test server still running. You can use (SHUTDOWN-TEST-SERVER) to shut it down. See also *RUNNING-TEST-SERVERS*.")) (remove-from-plistf args :server-type :wait) (bind ((server (apply #'make-instance server-type :host host :port port :maximum-worker-count maximum-worker-count args))) (setf (brokers-of server) (ensure-list brokers)) (if wait (startup-test-server-and-wait server) (startup-test-server server)))) (def function test-server-info-string (server) (bind ((listen-entry (first (listen-entries-of server))) (host (address-to-string (host-of listen-entry))) (port (port-of listen-entry)) (uri (hu.dwim.uri:make-uri :scheme "http" :host host :port port)) (uri-string (hu.dwim.uri:print-uri-to-string uri))) (format nil "Server ~A is now running. You can use (~S) to stop it, or select an appropriate restart if you see this inside the debugger. See also ~S and ~S.~%~ You may stress the server with one of the command lines below, but keep in mind that logging and generally not loading the code in ~S severly hurts performance.~%~ siege --concurrent=100 --time=10S ~A (add -b for full throttle benchmarking)~%~ httperf --rate 1000 --num-conn 10000 --port ~A --server ~A --uri /foo/bar/~%~ ab -n 100000 -c10 " server 'shutdown-test-server '*test-server* '*running-test-servers* '*load-as-production?* uri-string port host))) (def function startup-test-server-and-wait (server) (unwind-protect (progn (startup-test-server server) (break (test-server-info-string server))) (shutdown-test-server server)) server)