;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.web-server) (def localization-loader-callback localization-loader/hu.dwim.web-server.server :hu.dwim.web-server "localization/server/" :log-discriminator "hu.dwim.web-server.server") (def (class* e) request-counter-mixin () ((processed-request-counter (make-atomic-counter) :accessor nil))) (def (function ioe) processed-request-counter-of (self) (check-type self request-counter-mixin) (atomic-counter/value (slot-value self 'processed-request-counter))) (def (function io) processed-request-counter/increment (self) (check-type self request-counter-mixin) (atomic-counter/increment (slot-value self 'processed-request-counter))) (def class* server-listen-entry () ((host) (port) (ssl-certificate nil) (ssl-key nil) (ssl-key-password nil) ;; from here only temporary values that are only valid while the server is running (socket nil))) (def print-object (server-listen-entry :identity #f :type #f) (princ (iolib:address-to-string (host-of -self-))) (write-string "/") (princ (port-of -self-))) ;; TODO split it to server and http-server. revise the rest of the code to also accommodate alternative protocols. (def (class* e) server (request-counter-mixin debug-context-mixin) ((administrator-email-address nil :type (or null string)) (gracefully-aborted-request-count 0 :type integer :export :accessor) (failed-request-count 0 :type integer :export :accessor) (client-connection-reset-count 0 :type integer :export :accessor) (listen-entries nil :type list) (connection-multiplexer nil) (handler 'server/default-handler :type function-designator) (length-limit/http-request-head nil :type (or null integer)) (length-limit/http-request-body nil :type (or null integer)) (lock (make-recursive-lock "hu.dwim.web-server server lock")) (shutdown-initiated #f :type boolean) (workers (make-adjustable-vector 16) :type sequence) (worker-id (make-atomic-counter)) (maximum-worker-count 16 :type integer :export :accessor) (occupied-worker-count 0 :type integer) ; only accessed while having the lock on the server, so doesn't need to be atomic (started-at nil :type (or null local-time:timestamp)) (timer nil) (profile-request-processing? :type boolean :reader nil :writer (setf profile-request-processing?)))) (def method profile-request-processing? ((server server)) (if (slot-boundp server 'profile-request-processing?) (slot-value server 'profile-request-processing?) (call-next-method))) (def constructor (server (listen-entries nil listen-entries-p) host port ssl-certificate ssl-key) (when (and (or host port ssl-certificate ssl-key) listen-entries-p) (error "Either use the :HOST, :PORT, :SSL-CERTIFICATE and :SSL-KEY arguments or the full :LISTEN-ENTRIES version, but don't mix them")) (cond (listen-entries-p (setf (listen-entries-of -self-) (mapcar (lambda (listen-entry) (etypecase listen-entry (server-listen-entry listen-entry) (cons (apply #'make-instance 'server-listen-entry listen-entry)))) listen-entries))) (host (setf (listen-entries-of -self-) (list (make-instance 'server-listen-entry :host host :port (or port 80) :ssl-certificate ssl-certificate :ssl-key ssl-key)))))) (def function server/default-handler () (handle-request *server* *request*)) (def function print-object/server (server) (write-string "listen: ") (iter (for listen-entry :in (listen-entries-of server)) (unless (first-time-p) (write-string ", ")) (princ (iolib:address-to-string (host-of listen-entry))) (write-string "/") (princ (port-of listen-entry)))) (def print-object server (print-object/server -self-)) (def (function e) is-server-running? (server) (not (null (started-at-of server)))) (def (with-macro* e) with-lock-held-on-server (server) (with-lock-held-on-thing ('server server) (-with-macro/body-))) (def method startup-server ((server server) &rest args &key &allow-other-keys) (server.debug "STARTUP-SERVER of ~A" server) (assert (listen-entries-of server)) (setf (shutdown-initiated-p server) #f) (restart-case (bind ((swank::*sldb-quit-restart* (find-restart 'abort))) (with-lock-held-on-server (server) ; in threaded mode the started workers are waiting until this lock is released (apply 'startup-server/with-lock-held server args)) server) (abort () :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "Give up starting server ~A" server)) (values)))) (def method startup-server/with-lock-held ((server server) &key (initial-worker-count 2) &allow-other-keys) (bind ((listen-entries (listen-entries-of server)) (mux (make-instance 'iolib:epoll-multiplexer))) (unwind-protect-case () (progn (assert listen-entries) (assert (not (find-if (complement #'null) listen-entries :key 'socket-of)) () "Some of the listen-entries of the server ~A already has a socket (lifecycle management got confused somehow)" server) (dolist (listen-entry listen-entries) (bind (((:read-only-slots host port) listen-entry)) (loop :named binding :do (with-simple-restart (retry "Try opening the socket again on host ~S port ~S" host port) (server.debug "Binding socket to host ~A, port ~A" host port) (bind ((socket (iolib:make-socket :connect :passive :local-host host :local-port port :external-format +default-external-format+ :reuse-address #t)) (fd (iolib:fd-of socket))) (unwind-protect-case () (progn (server.debug "Adding socket ~A, fd ~A to the accept multiplexer" socket fd) (assert (integerp fd)) ;;(setf (iolib:socket-option socket :receive-timeout) 1) (iomux::monitor-fd mux (aprog1 (iomux::make-fd-entry fd) ;; KLUDGE to make the multiplexer do what we want (setf (iomux::fd-entry-read-handler it) (iomux::make-fd-handler fd :read (lambda (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)) (error "BUG")) nil)))) (setf (socket-of listen-entry) socket)) (:abort (close socket))) (return-from binding)))))) (setf (connection-multiplexer-of server) mux) ;; fire up the worker/entry-point either in this thread or in several worker threads (if (zerop (maximum-worker-count-of server)) (unwind-protect (progn ;; this is the single-threaded mode using the caller thread (for debugging and profiling) (server.info "Starting server in the current thread, use C-c C-c and restarts to break out...") (worker/entry-point server #f)) ;; when a restart was selected, then shut the server down... (shutdown-server server)) (progn (server.debug "Setting up the timer") (assert (null (timer-of server))) (setf (timer-of server) (make-instance 'timer)) (server.debug "Spawning the initial workers") (iter (for n :from 0 :below initial-worker-count) (make-worker server)) (setf (started-at-of server) (local-time:now)) (server.debug "Server successfully started")))) (:abort (server.debug "Cleaning up after a failed server start") (shutdown-server server :force #t))))) (def method shutdown-server ((server server) &key force &allow-other-keys) (setf (shutdown-initiated-p server) #t) (flet ((close-sockets () (dolist (listen-entry (listen-entries-of server)) (awhen (socket-of listen-entry) (setf (socket-of listen-entry) nil) (server.dribble "Closing socket ~A" it) (close it :abort force))) (awhen (connection-multiplexer-of server) (iolib.multiplex::close-multiplexer it) (setf (connection-multiplexer-of server) nil)) (setf (started-at-of server) nil))) (server.dribble "Shutting down server ~A, force? ~A" server force) (bind ((threaded? (not (zerop (maximum-worker-count-of server))))) (when (timer-of server) (shutdown-timer (timer-of server) :wait (not force)) (setf (timer-of server) nil)) (if force (progn (when threaded? (iter (for worker :in-sequence (copy-seq (workers-of server))) (for thread = (thread-of worker)) (block kill-worker (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c) (warn "Error while killing ~S: ~A" worker c) (return-from kill-worker)))) (server.dribble "Killing worker ~A; os thread is ~A" worker thread) (destroy-thread thread))))) (close-sockets) (when threaded? (setf (fill-pointer (workers-of server)) 0) (setf (occupied-worker-count-of server) 0))) (progn (when threaded? (iter waiting-for-workers (server.debug "Waiting for the workers of ~A to quit..." server) (with-lock-held-on-server (server) (bind ((worker-count (length (workers-of server)))) (server.dribble "Polling workers to quit, worker-count is ~A" worker-count) (when (zerop worker-count) (return-from waiting-for-workers)))) (sleep 1)) (assert (zerop (occupied-worker-count-of server)))) (close-sockets)))) ;; it's tempting to delete the temp dir here, but there might be other servers in this process using it, so don't (delete-directory-for-temporary-files) )) (def class* worker () ((thread))) (def function make-worker (server) (with-lock-held-on-server (server) (let ((worker (make-instance 'worker))) (setf (thread-of worker) (make-thread (lambda () (worker/entry-point server #t worker)) :name (format nil "http worker ~a" (atomic-counter/increment (worker-id-of server))))) (register-worker worker server) (server.info "Spawned new worker thread ~A" worker) worker))) (def function register-worker (worker server) (with-lock-held-on-server (server) (vector-push-extend worker (workers-of server)))) (def function unregister-worker (worker server) (with-lock-held-on-server (server) (deletef (workers-of server) worker))) (def function worker/entry-point (server &optional (threaded? #f) worker) ;; NOTE: redefining this function in a running server will only effect newly spawned workers (assert (or (not threaded?) worker)) (with-lock-held-on-server (server) ;; this waits until the startup procedure is finished ) (flet ((process-requests () (iter (until (shutdown-initiated-p server)) (worker/process-some-requests server threaded? worker)))) (cond ((not threaded?) (process-requests)) (threaded? (unwind-protect (restart-case (process-requests) (remove-worker () :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "Stop and remove worker ~A" worker)) (values))) (server.dribble "Worker ~A is about to leave. There are ~A workers currently." worker (length (workers-of server))) (with-lock-held-on-server (server) (when worker (unregister-worker worker server)) (when (and (not (shutdown-initiated-p server)) (zerop (length (workers-of server)))) (make-worker server)))))))) (def function worker/process-some-requests (server &optional (threaded? #f) worker) (bind ((mux (connection-multiplexer-of server)) (listen-entries (listen-entries-of server))) (assert mux) ;; (server.dribble "Acceptor multiplexer ticked") (iter (for (fd event-types) :in (iomux::harvest-events mux 1)) (server.dribble "Acceptor multiplexer returned for fd ~S, events ~S" fd event-types) (until (shutdown-initiated-p server)) (when (member :read event-types :test #'eq) (server.debug "Acceptor multiplexer got a :read event for listen fd ~S" fd) (bind ((listen-entry (find fd listen-entries :key [iolib:fd-of (socket-of !1)]))) (assert listen-entry () "listen-entry not found for fd ~A?!" fd) (iter (for client-stream/iolib = (iolib:accept-connection (socket-of listen-entry) :wait #f)) (while (and client-stream/iolib (not (shutdown-initiated-p server)))) (server.dribble "Acceptor multiplexer accepted the connection ~A, fd ~S, on port ~A" client-stream/iolib (iolib.streams:fd-of client-stream/iolib) (port-of listen-entry)) ;; TODO is this a constant or depends on server network load? (setf (iolib:socket-option client-stream/iolib :receive-timeout) 15) ;; iolib streams are based on non-blocking fd's, so we don't need to (iolib.syscalls::%set-fd-nonblock client-stream-fd #t) (worker/process-one-request threaded? server worker client-stream/iolib listen-entry)))))) (values)) (def function worker/process-one-request (threaded? server worker client-stream/iolib listen-entry) (bind ((client-stream/ssl nil)) (flet ((serve-it () (server.dribble "Worker ~A is processing a request" worker) (setf *request-remote-address* (iolib:remote-host client-stream/iolib)) (setf *request-remote-address/string* (iolib:address-to-string *request-remote-address*)) (unwind-protect (progn (with-lock-held-on-server (server) (incf (occupied-worker-count-of server)) (bind ((worker-count (length (workers-of server)))) (when (and threaded? (= (occupied-worker-count-of server) worker-count)) (if (< worker-count (maximum-worker-count-of server)) (progn (server.info "All ~A worker threads are occupied, starting a new one" worker-count) (make-worker server)) (server.warn "All ~A worker threads are occupied, and can't start new workers due to having already MAXIMUM-WORKER-COUNT (~A) of them" worker-count (maximum-worker-count-of server))))) (setf *request-id* (processed-request-counter/increment server))) (with-thread-name (string+ " / serving request " (integer-to-string *request-id*)) (bind (((:read-only-slots ssl-certificate ssl-key ssl-key-password) listen-entry)) (when ssl-key (server.debug "Wrapping stream ~A into an ssl server stream" client-stream/iolib) ;; TODO decide/make sure network and/or ssl handshaking related errors are properly ignored similar to is-error-from-client-stream? ;; FIXME this can lead to hung threads here: ;; 1: (SB-SYS:WAIT-UNTIL-FD-USABLE 13 :INPUT NIL T) ;; 2: (CL+SSL:MAKE-SSL-SERVER-STREAM #) ;; inside (CL+SSL::INPUT-WAIT ... ) ;; SSL-STREAM has a slot called DEADLINE, but it cannot be set before CL+SSL:MAKE-SSL-SERVER-STREAM returns ;; fe[nl]ix: attila_lendvai: try setting the file descriptor to blocking mode (setf (iolib.streams:fd-non-blocking socket) nil) (setf client-stream/ssl (cl+ssl:make-ssl-server-stream (iolib.streams:fd-of client-stream/iolib) :external-format nil :certificate ssl-certificate :key ssl-key :password ssl-key-password))) (setf *request* (read-request server client-stream/iolib client-stream/ssl)) (bind ((forwarded-for (header-value *request* +header/forwarded-for+))) (when forwarded-for (server.debug "Registering ~S header value: ~S" +header/forwarded-for+ forwarded-for) (setf *request-remote-address/string* forwarded-for) (handler-case (setf *request-remote-address* (parse-x-forwarded-for-value forwarded-for)) (error () (server.warn "Failed to parse ~S header to set the value of ~S. The offending value was ~S." +header/forwarded-for+ '*request-remote-address* forwarded-for))))) (setf *remaining-query-path-elements* (hu.dwim.uri:path-of (uri-of *request*))) (with-error-log-decorators ((make-error-log-decorator (format t "~%User agent: ~S" (header-value *request* +header/user-agent+))) (make-error-log-decorator (format t "~%Request URL: ~S" (hu.dwim.uri:print-uri-to-string (uri-of *request*))))) (loop (with-simple-restart (retry-handling-request "Try again handling this HTTP request") (when (and *response* (headers-are-sent-p *response*)) (cerror "Continue even though some data was sent already" "Some data was already written to the network stream, so restarting the request handling will probably not result in what you would expect.")) (setf *response* nil) (server.dribble "Worker is calling (HANDLER-OF SERVER)") (funcall (handler-of server)) (server.dribble "Worker returned from (HANDLER-OF SERVER)") (return))))) (server.dribble "Worker is closing the request") (close-request *request*) (server.dribble "Worker finished closing the request"))) (server.dribble "Will decf OCCUPIED-WORKER-COUNT") (with-lock-held-on-server (server) (decf (occupied-worker-count-of server)))) (server.dribble "SERVE-IT is returning")) (ignore-condition-predicate (error) ;; passing down client-stream/ssl is not an option here, because an error can come earlier from cl+ssl:make-ssl-server-stream (is-error-from-client-stream? error client-stream/iolib)) (handle-request-error (condition) (incf (failed-request-count-of server)) (when (is-error-worth-logging? condition) (server.error "Error while handling a server request in worker ~A on socket ~A: ~A" worker client-stream/iolib condition)) ;; no need to worry about (nested) errors here, see WITH-LAYERED-ERROR-HANDLERS (handle-toplevel-error *context-of-error* condition) (server.dribble "HANDLE-TOPLEVEL-ERROR returned, worker continues...")) (abort-request (&key reason &allow-other-keys) (abort-server-request reason))) (debug-only (assert (notany #'boundp '(*server* *broker-stack* *request* *response* *response/unique-counter* *request-remote-address* *request-remote-address/string* *request-id* *remaining-query-path-elements* *matched-query-path-elements*)))) (bind ((*server* server) (*broker-stack* (list server)) (*request* nil) (*response* nil) (*response/unique-counter* 0) (*request-remote-address* nil) (*request-remote-address/string* nil) (*request-id* nil) (*remaining-query-path-elements* '()) (*matched-query-path-elements* '())) (with-error-log-decorators ((make-error-log-decorator (format t "~%Request id: ~A" *request-id*)) (make-error-log-decorator (format t "~%Remote host: ~A (~A)" *request-remote-address/string* (or (ignore-errors (nth-value 2 (iolib.sockets:lookup-hostname *request-remote-address*))) "n/a"))) (make-error-log-decorator (format t "~%Local port: ~A" (port-of listen-entry))) (make-error-log-decorator (bind ((errno (iolib.syscalls:errno))) (format t "~%Posix errno: ~A (~A)" errno (iolib.syscalls:get-syscall-error-condition errno))))) (restart-case (unwind-protect-case (interrupted?) (bind ((swank::*sldb-quit-restart* (find-restart 'abort-server-request))) (with-layered-error-handlers (#'handle-request-error #'abort-request :ignore-condition-predicate #'ignore-condition-predicate) (serve-it)) (server.dribble "Worker ~A finished processing a request, will close the socket now" worker)) (:always (block closing (with-layered-error-handlers ((lambda (error &key &allow-other-keys) (declare (ignorable error)) ;; let's not clutter the error log with non-interesting errors... (server.error (build-error-log-message :error-condition error :message (format nil "Failed to close the socket stream in WORKER/PROCESS-ONE-REQUEST while ~A the UNWIND-PROTECT block." (if interrupted? "unwinding" "normally exiting")))) (server.debug "Error closing the socket ~A while ~A: ~A" client-stream/iolib (if interrupted? "unwinding" "normally exiting") error) (return-from closing)) #'abort-request) (server.dribble "Closing the socket") (awhen (and *request* (client-stream-of *request*)) (finish-output it) (close it)) (when (and client-stream/ssl (open-stream-p client-stream/ssl)) (close client-stream/ssl)) (when (open-stream-p client-stream/iolib) (close client-stream/iolib)))))) (abort-server-request () :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "~@" *request-id*)) (values)))))))) (def function store-response (response) ;; TODO i'm not too happy with this store-response. this is probably here because something is not clear around how responses are constructed and piped for sending... (assert (boundp '*response*)) (unless (typep response 'do-nothing-response) (assert (or (null *response*) (eq *response* response))) (setf *response* response))) (def (function e) invoke-retry-handling-request-restart () (invoke-restart (find-restart 'retry-handling-request))) (def function abort-server-request (&optional (why nil why-p)) (server.info "Gracefully aborting request coming from ~S for ~S~:[.~; because: ~A.~]" *request-remote-address* (when *request* (raw-uri-of *request*)) why-p why) (typecase why (iolib:socket-connection-reset-error (incf (client-connection-reset-count-of *server*)))) (invoke-restart (find-restart 'abort-server-request))) (def method read-request ((server server) client-stream/iolib client-stream/ssl) (bind ((client-fd (iolib.streams:fd-of client-stream/iolib)) (http-request-head-buffer (read-http-request/head client-fd client-stream/ssl (awhen client-stream/ssl (cl+ssl::ssl-stream-handle it)) :length-limit (or (length-limit/http-request-head-of server) *length-limit/http-request-head*))) ((:values http-method raw-uri version-string major-version minor-version uri headers) (with-error-log-decorator (make-error-log-decorator (bind ((length-limit 2048) (*print-length* length-limit)) (format t "~%First, at most ~S bytes of the request: " length-limit) (write http-request-head-buffer))) (parse-http-request/head http-request-head-buffer (to-boolean client-stream/ssl)))) (raw-content-length (header-alist-value headers +header/content-length+)) (keep-alive? (and raw-content-length (parse-integer raw-content-length :junk-allowed #t) (>= major-version 1) (>= minor-version 1) (not (string= (header-alist-value headers +header/connection+) "close"))))) (make-instance 'http-request :raw-uri raw-uri :uri uri :keep-alive keep-alive? :client-stream (if client-stream/ssl (flexi-streams:make-flexi-stream client-stream/ssl :external-format '(:utf-8 :eol-style :lf)) client-stream/iolib) :client-stream/iolib client-stream/iolib :client-stream/ssl client-stream/ssl :query-parameters (hu.dwim.uri:query-parameters-of uri) ; will only contain params coming in the http body after calling ENSURE-HTTP-REQUEST-BODY-IS-PARSED :http-method http-method :http-version-string version-string :http-major-version major-version :http-minor-version minor-version :headers headers))) (def function ensure-http-request-body-is-parsed (request &key (length-limit *length-limit/http-request-body*)) (bind ((*length-limit/http-request-body* length-limit)) (if (request-body-has-been-parsed? request) ;; NOTE: is it a bug when this happens? (http.dribble "~S: already parsed" -this-definition/name-) (progn (http.dribble "~S is initiating the parsing of the request body" -this-definition/name-) (setf (request-body-has-been-parsed? request) t) (setf (query-parameters-of request) (parse-http-request/body (client-stream-of request) (header-value request +header/content-length+) (header-value request +header/content-type+) (query-parameters-of request)))))) request) (def method handle-request :around ((server server) (request http-request)) (bind ((start-time (get-monotonic-time)) (start-bytes-allocated (get-bytes-allocated)) (raw-uri (raw-uri-of request)) (*context-of-error* server)) (http.info "Handling request ~S from ~S for ~S, method ~S" *request-id* *request-remote-address/string* raw-uri (http-method-of request)) (multiple-value-prog1 (if (profile-request-processing? server) (with-profiling () (call-next-method)) (call-next-method)) (bind ((seconds (- (get-monotonic-time) start-time)) (bytes-allocated (- (get-bytes-allocated) start-bytes-allocated))) (http.info "Handled request ~S in ~,3f secs, ~,3f MB allocated (request came from ~S for ~S)" *request-id* seconds (/ bytes-allocated 1024 1024) *request-remote-address/string* raw-uri))))) (def (function e) is-request-still-valid? () (iolib:socket-connected-p (client-stream/iolib-of *request*))) (def (function e) abort-request-unless-still-valid () (unless (is-request-still-valid?) (abort-server-request "The request's socket is not connected anymore"))) ;;;;;; ;;; Serving stuff (def with-macro* with-content-serving-logic (name &key headers cookies (stream '(client-stream-of *request*)) last-modified-at seconds-until-expires content-length) (bind ((if-modified-since (header-value *request* +header/if-modified-since+)) (if-modified-since/parsed (when if-modified-since ;; IE sends junk with the date (but sends it after a semicolon) ;; TODO maybe it's obsolete? we don't support ie6 anyway... (bind ((http-date-string (subseq if-modified-since 0 (position #\; if-modified-since :test #'char=)))) (parse-http-timestring http-date-string :otherwise (lambda () (server.warn "Failed to parse If-Modified-Since header value ~S" if-modified-since))))))) (when seconds-until-expires (server.dribble "~A: setting up cache control according to seconds-until-expires ~S" name seconds-until-expires) (if (<= seconds-until-expires 0) (disallow-response-caching-in-header-alist headers) (progn (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/expires+) (local-time:to-rfc1123-timestring (local-time:adjust-timestamp (local-time:now) (offset :sec seconds-until-expires)))) (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/cache-control+) (string+ "max-age=" (integer-to-string seconds-until-expires)))))) (when last-modified-at (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/last-modified+) (local-time:to-rfc1123-timestring last-modified-at))) (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/date+) (local-time:to-rfc1123-timestring (local-time:now))) (server.dribble "~A: if-modified-since is ~S, last-modified-at is ~A, if-modified-since/parsed is ~A" name if-modified-since last-modified-at if-modified-since/parsed) (if (and last-modified-at if-modified-since/parsed (local-time:timestamp<= last-modified-at if-modified-since/parsed)) (progn (server.debug "~A: Sending 304 not modified. if-modified-since is ~S, last-modified-at is ~S" name if-modified-since last-modified-at) (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/status+) +http-not-modified+) (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/content-length+) "0") (send-http-headers headers cookies :stream stream)) (progn (unless (header-alist-value headers +header/status+) (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/status+) +http-ok+)) (when content-length (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/content-length+) (integer-to-string content-length))) ;; we are changig the value of HEADERS and COOKIES here, so we must make the new values visible in the with-macro body hiding their initial values (-body- headers cookies))))) (def function default-response-compression (&key (supported-compressions '(:deflate :gzip))) (bind ((compression (when *enable-response-compression* (cond ((accepts-encoding? +content-encoding/gzip+) :gzip) ((accepts-encoding? +content-encoding/deflate+) :deflate))))) (when (member compression supported-compressions) compression))) (def function compress-response/sequence (bytes-to-serve &key (compression (default-response-compression))) (ecase compression ((nil) (values bytes-to-serve nil)) ((:deflate :gzip) ;; NOTE: deflate is not well supported with countless issue with countless browsers... don't use it! ;; details on the deflate bug in IE and Konqueror: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=117683 ;; http://www.vervestudios.co/projects/compression-tests/results ;; https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/1007412/interop-wininet-does-not-support-content-encoding-deflate-properly ;; https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ieinternals/2014/10/21/compressing-the-web/ (bind (((:values compressed-bytes compressed-bytes-length) (hu.dwim.zlib:deflate-sequence bytes-to-serve :container (ecase compression (:deflate :raw) (:gzip :gzip)) :level 2)) (compressed-bytes (coerce-to-simple-ub8-vector compressed-bytes compressed-bytes-length))) (server.debug "COMPRESS-RESPONSE/SEQUENCE with deflate; original-size ~A, compressed-size ~A, ratio: ~,3F" (length bytes-to-serve) compressed-bytes-length (/ compressed-bytes-length (length bytes-to-serve))) (assert (= (length compressed-bytes) compressed-bytes-length)) (values compressed-bytes (ecase compression (:deflate +content-encoding/deflate+) (:gzip +content-encoding/gzip+))))))) (def function compress-response/stream (input output &key (compression (default-response-compression))) (ecase compression ((nil) (bind ((bytes-written (copy-stream input output))) (values bytes-written bytes-written nil))) ((:deflate :gzip) (bind ((bytes-read 0) (compressed-length (hu.dwim.zlib:deflate (lambda (buffer start size) (bind ((chunk-size (read-sequence buffer input :start start :end size))) (incf bytes-read chunk-size) chunk-size)) (lambda (buffer start size) (write-sequence buffer output :start start :end size)) :container (ecase compression (:deflate :raw) (:gzip :gzip)) :level 2))) (server.debug "compress-response/stream with deflate; original-size ~A, compressed-size ~A, ratio: ~,3F" bytes-read compressed-length (/ compressed-length bytes-read)) (values bytes-read compressed-length (ecase compression (:deflate +content-encoding/deflate+) (:gzip +content-encoding/gzip+))))))) (def function serve-sequence (input &key (compress-content-with (default-response-compression)) (last-modified-at (local-time:now)) content-type content-encoding headers cookies content-disposition (stream (client-stream-of *request*)) ;; TODO should read from the stream? it can be a flexi-stream here due to ssl... (encoding (encoding-name-of (iolib:external-format-of stream))) (encoding +default-encoding+) seconds-until-expires) "Write SEQUENCE into the network stream. SEQUENCE may be a string or a byte vector. When it's a string it will be encoded using the current external-format of the network stream." (check-type input (or list (vector (unsigned-byte 8) *) string)) (check-type compress-content-with (member nil :deflate :gzip)) (server.debug "SERVE-SEQUENCE: input type: ~A, input-length: ~A, content-encoding: ~A" (type-of input) (length input) content-encoding) (with-content-serving-logic ('serve-sequence :last-modified-at last-modified-at :seconds-until-expires seconds-until-expires :headers headers :cookies cookies :stream stream) (with-thread-name " / SERVE-SEQUENCE" (flet ((flatten-input (input) (if (and (length= 1 input) (typep (first input) 'simple-ub8-vector)) (first input) (bind ((input-byte-size 0) (ub8-only-input (iter (for piece :in (ensure-list input)) (when (stringp piece) (setf piece (string-to-octets piece :encoding encoding))) (incf input-byte-size (length piece)) (collect piece))) (result (make-array input-byte-size :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (iter (for piece :in ub8-only-input) (for previous-piece :previous piece) (for start :first 0 :then (+ start (length previous-piece))) (replace result piece :start1 start)) result)))) (bind ((flattened-input (flatten-input input)) ((:values compressed-bytes content-encoding/compressed) (compress-response/sequence flattened-input :compression compress-content-with))) (cond ((and content-encoding/compressed content-encoding (not (equal content-encoding content-encoding/compressed))) (error "~S was called with COMPRESS-CONTENT-WITH ~S and CONTENT-ENCODING ~S, but the compressed content encoding turned out to be ~S" 'serve-sequence compress-content-with content-encoding content-encoding/compressed)) (content-encoding/compressed (setf content-encoding content-encoding/compressed))) ;; set up the headers (when content-type (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/content-type+) content-type)) (when content-disposition (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/content-disposition+) content-disposition)) (when content-encoding (awhen (header-alist-value headers +header/content-encoding+) (error "SERVE-SEQUENCE wants to set the content-encoding header to ~S but the headers provided by the caller already contain a content-encoding entry ~S" content-encoding it)) (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/content-encoding+) content-encoding)) (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/content-length+) (integer-to-string (length compressed-bytes))) ;; send the headers (send-http-headers headers cookies :stream stream) ;; send the body (write-sequence compressed-bytes stream)))))) (def (function eio) make-content-disposition-header-value (&key (content-disposition "attachment") size file-name) (awhen size (setf content-disposition (string+ content-disposition ";size=" (integer-to-string it)))) (awhen file-name (setf content-disposition (string+ content-disposition ";filename=\"" (hu.dwim.uri:percent-encoding/encode it) "\""))) content-disposition) (def function serve-stream (input-stream &key (last-modified-at (local-time:now)) content-type content-length (content-disposition "attachment" content-disposition-p) headers cookies content-disposition-filename content-disposition-size (stream (client-stream-of *request*)) (seconds-until-expires #.(* 1 60 60)) (end content-length)) (check-type end (or null integer)) (check-type content-length (or null integer)) (with-content-serving-logic ('serve-stream :last-modified-at last-modified-at :seconds-until-expires seconds-until-expires :headers headers :cookies cookies :stream stream) (with-thread-name " / SERVE-STREAM" (awhen content-type (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/content-type+) it)) (when (and (not content-length) (typep input-stream 'file-stream)) (bind ((file-length (file-length input-stream))) (assert (or (not end) (<= end file-length))) (setf content-length (or end file-length)))) (unless (stringp content-length) (setf content-length (integer-to-string content-length))) (when (stringp end) (setf end (parse-integer end))) (awhen content-length (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/content-length+) it)) (unless content-disposition-p ;; this ugliness here is to give a chance for the caller to pass NIL directly ;; to disable the default content disposition parts. (when (and (not content-disposition-size) content-length) (setf content-disposition-size content-length)) (setf content-disposition (make-content-disposition-header-value :content-disposition content-disposition :size content-disposition-size :file-name content-disposition-filename))) (awhen content-disposition (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/content-disposition+) it)) ;; TODO set socket buffering option? (send-http-headers headers cookies) (server.debug "SERVE-STREAM starts to copy input stream ~A to the network stream ~A" input-stream stream) (loop :with buffer = (make-array 8192 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) :for end-pos = (read-sequence buffer input-stream :end (when end (min end (length buffer)))) :until (zerop end-pos) :do (progn (server.dribble "SERVE-STREAM will write ~A bytes to the network stream ~A" end-pos stream) (write-sequence buffer stream :end end-pos) (when end (decf end end-pos)))) (server.debug "SERVE-STREAM finished copying input stream ~A to the network stream ~A" input-stream stream)))) ;; TODO use sendfile somehow? (def function serve-file (file-name &rest args &key (last-modified-at (local-time:universal-to-timestamp (file-write-date file-name))) (mime-type (first (awhen (pathname-type file-name) (mime-types-for-extension it)))) (encoding :utf-8) (content-type (or (and mime-type (content-type-for mime-type encoding)) +octet-stream-mime-type+)) (for-download (and mime-type (mime-time-for-download? mime-type))) (content-disposition-filename (string+ (pathname-name file-name) (awhen (pathname-type file-name) (string+ "." it)))) headers cookies (stream (client-stream-of *request*)) content-disposition-size (seconds-until-expires #.(* 12 60 60)) (signal-errors #t) &allow-other-keys) "Write the given file directly into the response network stream, HTTP headers included. Returns (values success? error-condition client-stream-dirty?)." (with-thread-name " / SERVE-FILE" (remove-from-plistf args :signal-errors :for-download) ;; tell the client that we accept byte range requests (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/accept-ranges+) "bytes") (bind ((client-stream-dirty? #f)) (flet ((fail (&optional error-condition) (return-from serve-file (values #f error-condition client-stream-dirty?))) (requested-range (&key (unit "bytes")) "Returns two values: START and END (the lisp kind, i.e. exclusive, not the HTTP kind, i.e. inclusive), or NIL if no range is requested." (bind (((:values ranges range-unit) (parse-header-value/range (header-value *request* +header/range+) (header-value *request* +header/range-unit+)))) (when ranges (assert (equalp unit range-unit)) ;; If multiple ranges are requested, serve only the first one: (bind (((start1 . end1) (first ranges))) (server.debug "Range: ~A=~D-~@[~D~]" range-unit start1 end1) (when (rest ranges) (server.info "Serving only first range of ~D requested (~{~D-~@[~D~]~^,~})" (length ranges) (loop :for (start . end) :in ranges :collect start :collect (when end (1- end))))) (values start1 end1)))))) (handler-bind ((serious-condition (lambda (error) (unless signal-errors (server.warn "SERVE-FILE muffles the following error due to :signal-errors #f: ~A" error) (fail error))))) (with-open-file (file file-name :direction :input :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (bind ((file-size (file-length file)) (content-length file-size) ((:values start end) (requested-range :unit "bytes"))) (when start ;; proper range: 0 <= start < end <= file-size (if end is given) (unless end (setf end file-size)) (unless (or (<= 0 start end file-size) (= start end)) (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/status+) +http-requested-range-not-satisfiable+) (send-http-headers headers cookies) (setf client-stream-dirty? #t) (fail)) (file-position file start) (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/status+) +http-partial-content+) (setf (header-alist-value headers +header/content-range+) (format nil "bytes ~D-~D/~D" ;; HTTP ranges are inclusive start (1- end) file-size)) (setf content-length (- end start))) (setf client-stream-dirty? #t) (apply 'serve-stream file :last-modified-at last-modified-at :content-type content-type :content-length content-length :content-disposition-filename content-disposition-filename :content-disposition-size content-disposition-size :seconds-until-expires seconds-until-expires :headers headers :cookies cookies :stream stream (append (unless for-download (list :content-disposition nil)) args)) (values #t nil client-stream-dirty?))))))))