;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.web-server) ;;;;;; ;;; request (def (class* eas) request () ()) (def generic close-request (request)) ;;;;;; ;;; response (def (class* eas) response () ()) (def generic send-response (response) (:method ((response response)) (send-response (convert-to-primitive-response response))) (:documentation "Emit RESPONSE into the http stream.")) (def generic close-response (response) (:documentation "This method is called when RESPONSE is no longer needed.")) (def (class* e) primitive-response (response) () (:documentation "Primitive responses are the ones that are ready to be serialized into the network stream and transferred to the client.")) (def (class* e) primitive-http-response (primitive-response http-response) ()) (def (generic e) convert-to-primitive-response (response) (:documentation "Called on all responses before trying to emit them, and it's supposed to return a PRIMITIVE-RESPONSE.") (:method :around (response) (bind ((*response* response)) (call-next-method))) (:method ((response primitive-response)) response) (:method ((response null)) nil)) ;;;;;; ;;; HTTP request/response (def class* http-message () ((headers nil) ;; left unbound, which is a marker for the lazy request cookie parser to do the parsing (cookies :documentation "An alist cache of the parsed Cookie header value. Its accessor lazily initializes the slot."))) (def (class* eas) http-request (http-message request) ((client-stream :type stream :documentation "A main bivalent output stream that delivers data *to* the http client.") (client-stream/iolib :type stream :documentation "The underlying iolib stream.") (client-stream/ssl :type stream :documentation "An optional bivalent SSL wrapper stream wrapping CLIENT-STREAM/IOLIB.") (keep-alive :initform #t :type boolean :accessor keep-alive?) (http-method :type string) (http-version-string :type string) (http-major-version :type integer) (http-minor-version :type integer) (raw-uri :type string) (uri :type hu.dwim.uri:uri) (query-parameters :type list :documentation "Holds all the query parameters from the uri and/or the request body") (request-body-has-been-parsed? nil :type boolean) (accept-encodings :type list :documentation "An alist cache of the parsed ACCEPT-ENDODINGS header value. Its accessor lazily initializes the slot."))) (def (function e) https-request? (&optional (request *request*)) (to-boolean (client-stream/ssl-of request))) (def (generic e) header-value (http-message header-name) (:method ((message http-message) header-name) (header-alist-value (headers-of message) header-name))) (def (generic e) (setf header-value) (value http-message header-name) (:method (value (message http-message) header-name) (setf (header-alist-value (headers-of message) header-name) value))) (def generic send-headers (http-response)) ;;;;;; ;;; error handling (def (generic e) handle-toplevel-error (context error) (:documentation "Called when a signaled error is about to cross a boundary which it shouldn't. There's no guarantee when it is called, e.g. maybe *response* has already been constucted and the network stream written to. CONTEXT is usually (first *brokers*) but can be any contextual information including NIL.")) (def (generic e) handle-toplevel-error/emit-response (context error) (:documentation "Called to emit a response in case an error reached toplevel. Called from HANDLE-TOPLEVEL-ERROR.")) ;;;;;; ;;; server stuff (def (generic e) startup-server (server &key &allow-other-keys)) (def (generic e) startup-server/with-lock-held (server &key &allow-other-keys)) (def (generic e) shutdown-server (server &key &allow-other-keys)) (def generic read-request (server stream/iolib stream/ssl) (:method :around (server stream/iolib stream/ssl) (with-thread-name " / READ-REQUEST" (call-next-method)))) (def (generic e) handle-request (thing request) (:documentation "The toplevel protocol from which request handling starts out. Certain parts of the framework start out new protocol branches from this one (e.g. CALL-IF-MATCHES-REQUEST and PRODUCE-RESPONSE for brokers).")) (def (generic e) startup-broker (broker) (:method (broker) )) (def (generic e) shutdown-broker (broker) (:method (broker) )) (def generic call-if-matches-request (broker request thunk) (:documentation "Should (funcall thunk) if BROKER can handle this REQUEST, and return #f otherwise. The protocol is constructed like this, because it makes it possible to wrap the dynamic extent of the call to PRODUCE-RESPONSE from customized CALL-IF-MATCHES-REQUEST methods.") (:method (broker request thunk) (error "Default CALL-IF-MATCHES-REQUEST was reached on broker ~S." broker))) (def (generic e) produce-response (broker request) (:documentation "Called from CALL-IF-MATCHES-REQUEST to produce a response object. Besides response objects, it's legal to return from here with both NIL or a list of other brokers to query for response."))