;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.web-server) (log.debug "Started evaluating main.dojo.js of hu.dwim.web-server") (dojo.require "dojo/dom-attr") (dojo.require "dojo/parser") (dojo.require "dijit/registry") (dojo.getObject "hdws" #t) (dojo.getObject "hdws.io" #t) (dojo.getObject "hdws.i18n" #t) (dojo.getObject "hdws.field" #t) (dojo.getObject "hdws.help" #t) (defun $ (id) (return (dojo.byId id))) (defun hdws.add-on-load (function) (dojo.addOnLoad function)) (defun hdws.connect (objects event function) (assert objects "hdws.connect called with nil object") (assert function "hdws.connect called with nil function") (unless dojo.config.isDebug (bind ((original-function function)) (setf function (lambda () (try (.apply original-function this arguments) (catch (e) (hdws.inform-user-about-error "error.generic-javascript-error"))))))) (flet ((lookup (id) (bind ((result (dojo.byId id))) (assert result "lookup of the dom node " id " in hdws.connect failed") (return result)))) (if (dojo.isArray object) (dolist (object objects) (dojo.connect (lookup object) event function)) (return (dojo.connect (lookup objects) event function))))) (defun hdws.disconnect (connection) (assert connection "hdws.disconnect called with nil connection") (dojo.disconnect connection)) (defun hdws.maybe-invoke-debugger () ;; doesn't work in chrome? (apply window.console.error arguments) (when dojo.config.isDebug debugger)) (defun hdws.map (fn array) (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((>= i array.length)) (setf (aref array i) (fn (aref array i)))) (return array)) (defun hdws.map-child-nodes (node visitor) ;; NOTE: some usages if this function are due to the fact that in some cases node.childNodes does not work in IE (let ((children (array)) (child node.firstChild)) ;; NOTE: copy the children this way, so that IE is happy (while child (children.push child) (setf child child.nextSibling)) (dolist (child children) (visitor child)) (return children))) (defun hdws.shallow-copy (object) (return (dojo.mixin (create) object))) (defun hdws.append-query-parameter (url name value) (setf url (+ url (if (< (.index-of url "?") 0) "?" "&") (encodeURIComponent name) "=" (encodeURIComponent value))) (return url)) (defun hdws.decorate-url-with-modifier-keys (url event) (bind ((value (+ (if event.shiftKey 1 0) (if event.ctrlKey 2 0) (if (or event.altKey event.metaKey) 4 0)))) (return (hdws.append-query-parameter url #.(hu.dwim.uri:percent-encoding/encode +modifier-keys-parameter-name+) value)))) #+nil ; currently unused (defun hdws.decorate-url-with-frame-and-action (url (frame-id hdws.frame-id) (frame-index hdws.frame-index) action-id) (setf url (+ url (if (< (.index-of url "?") 0) "?" "&"))) (setf url (+ url #.(hu.dwim.uri:percent-encoding/encode +frame-id-parameter-name+) "=" (encodeURIComponent frame-id) "&" #.(hu.dwim.uri:percent-encoding/encode +frame-index-parameter-name+) "=" (encodeURIComponent frame-index))) (when action-id (setf url (+ url "&" #.(hu.dwim.uri:percent-encoding/encode +action-id-parameter-name+) "=" (encodeURIComponent action-id)))) (return url)) (defun hdws.absolute-url-from (url) (return (if (> (.index-of url ":") 0) ; KLUDGE this test is fragile here url (+ window.location.protocol "//" window.location.hostname ":" window.location.port url)))) ;; this is a condition object, even if it looks like a function... (defun hdws.communication-error (message) (setf this.type "hdws.communication-error") (setf this.message message)) (defun hdws.inform-user-about-js-error () (hdws.inform-user-about-error "error.generic-javascript-error" :title "error.generic-javascript-error.title")) ;; TODO factor out dialog code? (defun hdws.inform-user-about-error (message &key (title "error.generic-javascript-error.title")) (log.debug "Informing user about error, message is '" message "', title is '" title "'") (dojo.require "dijit.Dialog") (setf message (hdws.i18n.localize message)) (setf title (hdws.i18n.localize title)) (bind ((dialog (new dijit.Dialog (create :title title))) (reload-button (new dijit.form.Button (create :label #"action.reload-page"))) (cancel-button (new dijit.form.Button (create :label #"action.cancel")))) (.placeAt (new dijit.layout.ContentPane (create :content message)) dialog.containerNode) ;; TODO add a 'float: right' or equivalent to the container of the buttons (reload-button.placeAt dialog.containerNode) (cancel-button.placeAt dialog.containerNode) (hdws.connect reload-button "onClick" (lambda () (window.location.reload))) (hdws.connect cancel-button "onClick" (lambda () (dialog.hide) (dialog.destroyRecursive))) (dialog.show))) ;;;;;; ;;; io (setf hdws.io.sync-ajax-action-in-progress false) ;; open dojo issue about error handler not being called: http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/10985 (defun hdws.io.action (url &key on-success on-error event (ajax true) subject-dom-node (sync true) (xhr-sync false) (send-client-state true)) (when event (setf url (hdws.decorate-url-with-modifier-keys url event))) (bind ((decorated-url (hdws.append-query-parameter url #.(hu.dwim.uri:percent-encoding/encode +ajax-aware-parameter-name+) (if ajax "t" ""))) (form (aref document.forms 0))) (if ajax (bind ((ajax-target (dojo.byId subject-dom-node)) (ajax-indicator-teardown nil)) (when hdws.io.sync-ajax-action-in-progress (log.warn "Ignoring a (hdws.io.action :sync true :ajax true ...) call because there's already a pending sync action") (return)) (log.debug "Will fire an ajax request, ajax-target: " ajax-target) (when sync (setf hdws.io.sync-ajax-action-in-progress true)) (flet ((xhr-finished () (when ajax-indicator-teardown (ajax-indicator-teardown)) (when sync (setf hdws.io.sync-ajax-action-in-progress false)))) (when ajax-target (setf ajax-indicator-teardown (hdws.io.install-ajax-progress-indicator ajax-target))) (hdws.io.xhr-post :url decorated-url ;; :sync true pretty much stops the whole browser tab including animated images... :sync xhr-sync :form (when send-client-state form) :on-error (lambda (response io-args) (xhr-finished) (hdws.io.process-ajax-network-error response io-args) (when on-error (on-error))) :on-success (lambda (response io-args) (xhr-finished) (hdws.io.clear-ajax-replacement-markers) (hdws.io.process-ajax-answer response io-args) (when on-success (on-success)))))) (if (and send-client-state form (< 0 form.elements.length)) (progn (setf (slot-value form 'action) decorated-url) (form.submit)) (setf window.location.href decorated-url))))) (defun hdws.io.install-ajax-progress-indicator (target-node) (bind ((animation nil) (progress-node (document.create-element "div"))) (dojo.style progress-node "opacity" 0) (dojo.addClass target-node "ajax-target") (dojo.addClass progress-node "ajax-request-in-progress") (dojo.contentBox progress-node (dojo.contentBox target-node)) (dojo.place progress-node target-node "before") (log.debug "Fading out target-node " target-node) (setf animation (.play (dojo.fx.combine (array (dojo.animateProperty (create :node target-node :duration 1000 :rate 50 :properties (create :opacity (create :start 1 :end 0.3)))) (dojo.animateProperty (create :node progress-node :duration 500 :rate 50 :properties (create :opacity (create :start 0.3 :end 1)))))))) (return (lambda () (.stop animation) ;; dojo.destroy can deal with parentNode = null (which sometimes happens maybe because the indicator dom node gets GC'd, possibly due to its parent node having been ajax-replaced?) (dojo.destroy progress-node) (dojo.removeClass target-node "ajax-target") (.play (hdws.io.make-ajax-replacement-fade-in target-node)))))) (defun hdws.io.make-ajax-replacement-fade-in (node start-opacity) (return (dojo.animateProperty (create :node node :duration 500 :rate 50 :properties (create :opacity (create :start (or start-opacity (dojo.style node "opacity")) :end 1)))))) (defun hdws.io.make-action-event-handler (href &key on-success on-error subject-dom-node (ajax true) (send-client-state true) (sync true) (xhr-sync false)) (return (lambda (event connection) (log.debug "An action event handler made by hdws.io.make-action-event-handler is being invoked on event " event ", connection " connection) (assert event) (assert connection) (hdws.io.action href :event event :ajax ajax :sync sync :xhr-sync xhr-sync :on-error (when on-error (lambda () (on-error event connection))) :on-success (when on-success (lambda () (on-success event connection))) :subject-dom-node subject-dom-node :send-client-state send-client-state)))) (defun hdws.io.connect-action-event-handler (id event-name handler &key one-shot (stop-event true)) (flet ((connect-one (id) (if ($ id) (bind ((connection nil)) (setf connection (hdws.connect id event-name (lambda (event) (when stop-event (log.debug "Action handler on id " id ", node " (dojo.byId id) " is stopping event " event) (dojo.stopEvent event)) (when one-shot ;; TODO support different one-shot strategies? 1) disconnect, 2) use a captured boolean guard. ;; 2) with stop-event could be used to hide events from covering parent nodes (log.debug "Disconnecting one-shot event handler after firing; id " id ", node " (dojo.byId id) ", connection " connection) (hdws.disconnect connection)) (handler event connection)))) (return connection)) (progn (log.error "Node not found when trying to connect event handler. Id is " id) (hdws.maybe-invoke-debugger))))) (if (dojo.isArray id) (dolist (one id) (connect-one one)) (return (connect-one id))))) (defun hdws.io.connect-action-event-handlers (handlers) (flet ((to-boolean (x default-value) (cond ((= x 1) (return true)) ((= x 0) (return false)) (t (if (eq default-value undefined) (assert false "?! we are expecting either 1 or 0 instead of " x) (return default-value))))) (connect-one (handler) (bind ((id (.shift handler)) (href (.shift handler)) (subject-dom-node (.shift handler)) (one-shot (to-boolean (.shift handler) false)) (event-name (or (.shift handler) "onclick")) (ajax (to-boolean (.shift handler) true)) (stop-event (to-boolean (.shift handler) true)) (send-client-state (to-boolean (.shift handler) true)) (sync (to-boolean (.shift handler) true))) (hdws.io.connect-action-event-handler id event-name (hdws.io.make-action-event-handler href :subject-dom-node subject-dom-node :ajax ajax :send-client-state send-client-state :sync sync) :one-shot one-shot :stop-event stop-event)))) (foreach #'connect-one handlers))) ;; open dojo issue about (sometimes defaulting) node.type taking precedence over node.dojoType: http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/10951 (defun hdws.io.instantiate-dojo-widgets (widget-entries) (log.debug "Instantiating (and destroying previous versions of) the following widgets " widget-entries) (dolist (entry widget-entries) (bind ((dom-node ($ entry.node)) (dojo-type entry.type)) (assert dom-node "DOM node is null at widget instantiation for " entry ". Make sure you render the -id- on a tab in EMIT-DOJO-WIDGET!") (setf entry.node dom-node) (awhen (dijit.registry.byId dom-node.id) (.destroyRecursive it)))) (dojo.parser.instantiate widget-entries (create :fastpath true))) (defun hdws.io.postprocess-inserted-node (original-node imported-node) ;; this used to be needed before WITH-COLLAPSED-JS-SCRIPTS started to collect all js fragments into a toplevel script node in the ajax answer. might come handy for something later, so leave it for now... ) (defun hdws.io.eval-script-tag (node) (let ((type (dojo.getAttr node "type"))) (if (= type "text/javascript") (let ((script node.text)) (unless (dojo.string.isBlank script) ;;(log.debug "Eval'ing script " (.substring script 0 128)) (log.debug "Eval'ing script tag " node) (eval script))) (throw (+ "Script tag with unexpected type: '" type "'"))))) ;; TODO implement something smarter to deal with the user clicking around on the client while the server is busy. ;; when sync is false, the user can stack up many ajax requests queueing on the server at the session lock... (defun hdws.io.xhr-post (&key url form (sync false) (on-error hdws.io.process-ajax-network-error) (on-success hdws.io.process-ajax-answer) (handle-as "xml")) ;; absolutize url if it's a relative one. (when url (setf url (hdws.absolute-url-from url))) (bind ((params (create :url url :form form :sync sync :handle-as handle-as :error on-error :load on-success))) (return (dojo.xhrPost params)))) (defun hdws.io.process-ajax-network-error (response ioArgs) (log.error "hdws.io.process-ajax-network-error called with response " response ", ioArgs " ioArgs) (bind ((network-error? ioArgs.error)) ;; NOTE: this is a fragile way to differentiate between network errors and random js errors. http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/6814 (cond (network-error? (hdws.inform-user-about-error "error.network-error" :title "error.network-error.title")) ((not dojo.config.isDebug) (hdws.inform-user-about-error "error.generic-javascript-error" :title "error.generic-javascript-error.title"))))) (defun hdws.io.import-ajax-received-xhtml-node (node) ;; Makes an XMLHTTP-received node suitable for inclusion in the document. (log.debug "Importing ajax answer node with id " (dojo.getAttr node "id")) (cond ((or dojo.isMozilla dojo.isChrome dojo.isOpera dojo.isSafari) (return (document.importNode node true))) (dojo.isIE ;; ie is randomly dropping the script tags (m$ is as lame as usual...) ;; i couldn't find anything that affects the behaviour, my best guess is that it may depend ;; on how the script reached the browser: scripts in the original document may have ;; more permissions? either way, handle script tags specially to overcome it. (let ((result) (copy-attributes (lambda (from to) (dolist (attribute from.attributes) (let ((value attribute.node-value)) (setf (aref to attribute.node-name) value)))))) (cond ((= node.tagName "script") (setf result (document.createElement "script")) (copy-attributes node result) (setf result.text node.text)) ((= node.tagName "tr") ;; this is ugly here for a reason: ie sucks. seems like this is the only way to create a ;; tr node on the ie side that behaves as normal dom nodes (i.e. it can be added to the dom). ;; this was tested only on ie6. (setf result (document.createElement "tr")) (copy-attributes node result) (dolist (td node.childNodes) (if (= td.tagName "td") (let ((body td.xml) (start (1+ (.indexOf body ">"))) (end (- body.length 5)) (imported-td (document.createElement "td"))) ;; chop off the opening and the closing tag, so that we get the innerHTML (setf body (.substring body start end)) (setf imported-td.innerHTML body) (copy-attributes td imported-td) (result.appendChild imported-td)) (result.appendChild (hdws.io.import-ajax-received-xhtml-node td))))) (t ;; create a node and setf its innerXML property ;; this will parse the xhtml we received and convert it ;; to dom nodes that ie will not bark on. (setf result (document.createElement "div")) (log.debug "Assigning innerHTML") (setf result.innerHTML node.xml) (log.debug "innerHTML was assigned succesfully") (assert (= 1 result.childNodes.length)) (setf result result.firstChild))) (log.debug "Succesfully imported answer node, returning") (return result)))) (log.warn "Unknown browser in import-ajax-received-xhtml-node, this will probably cause some troubles later. Browser is " navigator.userAgent) (return (document.importNode node true))) ;; Return a lambda that when passed a root node, will call the visitor with each of those children ;; that have the given tag-name. (defun hdws.io.make-dom-node-walker (tag-name visitor (import-node-p true) (toplevel-p false)) (return (lambda (root) ;; NOTE: it used to be a dolist but root.childNodes does not work in IE by some weird reason (hdws.map-child-nodes root (lambda (toplevel-node) (log.debug "Walking at node " toplevel-node) ;; node.get-elements-by-tag-name returns recursively all nodes of a document node, so that won't work here (when (= toplevel-node.tag-name tag-name) (if toplevel-p (let ((node toplevel-node) (original-node node) (id (dojo.getAttr node "id"))) (log.debug "Processing " node " with id " id) (when import-node-p (setf node (hdws.io.import-ajax-received-xhtml-node node))) (visitor node original-node)) (progn (log.debug "Will process " toplevel-node.child-nodes.length " node(s) of type '" tag-name "'") ;; NOTE: it used to be a dolist but root.childNodes does not work in IE by some weird reason (hdws.map-child-nodes toplevel-node ; create a copy and iterate on that (lambda (node) (when (dojo.getAttr node "id") (let ((original-node node) (id (dojo.getAttr node "id"))) (log.debug "Processing " tag-name " node with id " id) (when import-node-p (setf node (hdws.io.import-ajax-received-xhtml-node node))) (visitor node original-node))))))))))))) ;; Returns a lambda that can be used as a dojo :load handler. Will do some sanity checks ;; on the ajax answer, report any possible server errors, then walk the nodes with the given ;; tag-name and call the visitor on them. If the visitor returns a node, then postprocess the ;; returned node as an added dom html fragment. (defun hdws.io.make-ajax-answer-processor (tag-name visitor (import-node-p true) (toplevel-p false)) (let ((node-walker (hdws.io.make-dom-node-walker tag-name (lambda (node original-node) (when (visitor node original-node) (log.debug "Calling postprocess-inserted-node on node " node) (hdws.io.postprocess-inserted-node original-node node))) import-node-p toplevel-p))) (return (lambda (response args) (log.debug "Response is " response ", arguments are " args) (with-ajax-answer-logic response (node-walker response)))))) (setf hdws.io.marked-ajax-replacements (array)) (defun hdws.io.mark-ajax-replacement (node) (when dojo.config.isDebug (dojo.addClass node "ajax-replacement") (hdws.io.marked-ajax-replacements.push node))) (defun hdws.io.clear-ajax-replacement-markers () (when dojo.config.isDebug (dolist (node hdws.io.marked-ajax-replacements) (dojo.removeClass node "ajax-replacement")) (setf hdws.io.marked-ajax-replacements (array)))) (bind ((dom-replacer (hdws.io.make-ajax-answer-processor "dom-replacements" (lambda (replacement-node) (bind ((id (dojo.getAttr replacement-node "id")) (old-node ($ id))) (if old-node (bind ((parent-node (slot-value old-node 'parent-node)) (old-opacity (Math.min (dojo.style old-node "opacity") 0.5))) (log.debug "About to replace old node with id " id) (when (dojo.hasClass replacement-node "context-menu") ;; KLUDGE dijit context menu looses dom node identity, so fading cannot work on it (setf old-opacity 1)) (dojo.style replacement-node "opacity" old-opacity) (.replace-child parent-node replacement-node old-node) (hdws.io.mark-ajax-replacement replacement-node) (log.debug "Fading back replacement-node " replacement-node) (bind ((animation (hdws.io.make-ajax-replacement-fade-in replacement-node old-opacity))) (hdws.connect animation "onEnd" (lambda () (unless (eq replacement-node (dojo.byId id)) ;; KLUDGE this should not happen, but it happens with context menus... (log.warn "Setting opacity to 1 of orphaned replacement-node with id " id) (dojo.style (dojo.byId id) "opacity" 1)))) (.play animation)) (log.debug "Successfully replaced node with id " id)) (progn (log.error "Old version of replacement node " replacement-node " with id '" id "' was not found on the client side") (hdws.maybe-invoke-debugger)))))))) (setf hdws.io.process-ajax-answer (lambda (response args) ;; replace some components (dom nodes) (log.debug "hdws.io.process-ajax-answer speaking. Called with response " response ", args " args) (log.debug "Calling dom-replacer...") (dom-replacer response args) (log.debug "...dom-replacer returned") ;; look for 'script' tags and execute them with 'current-ajax-answer' bound (let ((script-evaluator (hdws.io.make-ajax-answer-processor "script" (lambda (script-node) ;; TODO handle/assert for script type attribute (let ((script (dojox.xml.parser.textContent script-node))) (log.debug "About to eval AJAX-received script " #\Newline script) ;; isolate the local bindings from the script to be executed ;; and only bind with the given name what we explicitly list here ((lambda (_script current-ajax-answer) (eval _script)) script response) (log.debug "Finished eval-ing AJAX-received script"))) false true))) (log.debug "Calling script-evaluator...") (script-evaluator response args) (log.debug "...script-evaluator returned"))))) ;;;;;; ;;; debug ;; from http://turtle.dojotoolkit.org/~david/recss.html (defun hdws.reload-css () (dolist (link (document.getElementsByTagName "link")) (when (and (>= (.indexOf (.toLowerCase link.rel) "stylesheet") 0) link.href) (bind ((href (.replace link.href (regexp "(&|\\?)forceReload=\\d+") ""))) (setf link.href (hdws.append-query-parameter href "forceReload" (.valueOf (new Date)))))))) ;;;;;; ;;; i18n (setf hdws.i18n.resources (create)) (defun hdws.i18n.localize (name) (let ((value (aref hdws.i18n.resources name))) (unless value (log.warn "Resource not found for key '" name "'") (setf value name)) (return value))) (defun hdws.i18n.process-resources (resources) (log.debug "Received " resources.length " l10n resources") (do ((idx 0 (+ idx 2))) ((>= idx resources.length)) (bind ((name (aref resources idx)) (value (aref resources (1+ idx)))) (setf (aref hdws.i18n.resources name) value)))) (log.debug "Finished evaluating main.dojo.js of hu.dwim.web-server")