;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.web-server) (def (function io) parse-http-version (version-string) (declare (type string version-string)) (flet ((fail-unless (condition) (unless condition (illegal-http-request/error "Illegal http version string ~S" version-string)))) (declare (inline fail-unless)) (fail-unless (starts-with-subseq "HTTP/" version-string)) (bind ((dot-position (position #\. version-string :start 5))) (fail-unless dot-position) (bind ((major-version (parse-integer version-string :start 5 :end dot-position)) ((:values minor-version end-position) (parse-integer version-string :start (1+ dot-position)))) (fail-unless (= (length version-string) end-position)) (values major-version minor-version))))) (def (function o) read-http-request/head (client-fd client-stream/ssl ssl-stream-handle &key (length-limit *length-limit/http-request-head*)) (check-type length-limit (integer 512)) (bind ((buffer-length length-limit) (buffer/lisp (make-array buffer-length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) (marker #.(coerce-to-simple-ub8-vector (list +carriage-return+ +linefeed+ +carriage-return+ +linefeed+))) (marker-length (length marker)) (position 0) (marker-position 0) ;; KLUDGE deadline stuff should be hadled by a call/cc based multiplexer dropping dry connections (start-time (get-monotonic-time)) ;; FIXME random inline constant (deadline (+ start-time 15))) (cffi-sys:with-pointer-to-vector-data (buffer buffer/lisp) (iter (while (< marker-position marker-length)) (when (> (get-monotonic-time) deadline) (error 'iolib.syscalls:etimedout :handle client-fd :message "READ-HTTP-REQUEST/HEAD timed out")) (when (>= position buffer-length) (request-length-limit-reached 'read-http-request/head buffer-length position)) (for bytes-read = (bind ((bytes-to-read (- marker-length marker-position)) ; we can read as many bytes as the number of bytes left in the marker (read-buffer-pointer (cffi-sys:inc-pointer buffer position))) (if ssl-stream-handle (cl+ssl::ensure-ssl-funcall client-stream/ssl ssl-stream-handle #'cl+ssl::ssl-read ssl-stream-handle read-buffer-pointer bytes-to-read) (handler-case (iolib.syscalls:read client-fd read-buffer-pointer bytes-to-read) (iolib.syscalls:ewouldblock () ;; TODO implement the call/cc based multiplexer and get rid of this... (sleep 0.1) (next-iteration)))))) (assert (integerp bytes-read)) (iter (repeat bytes-read) (if (= (cffi:mem-ref buffer :char position) (aref marker marker-position)) (incf marker-position) (setf marker-position 0)) (incf position)))) (shrink-vector buffer/lisp position))) (def (function o) parse-http-request/head (buffer https?) (handler-bind ((hu.dwim.uri:uri-parse-error (lambda (error) ;; TODO should store the original error somehow, e.g. using nested-condition (illegal-http-request/error (princ-to-string error))))) (bind (((:values http-method raw-uri version-string position) (parse-http-request-line buffer))) (http.dribble "In PARSE-HTTP-REQUEST/HEAD; http-method is ~S, raw-uri is ~S, version is ~S" http-method raw-uri version-string) (bind (((:values major-version minor-version) (parse-http-version version-string)) (raw-uri-length (length raw-uri)) (headers (aprog1 (parse-http-request-headers buffer position) (http.dribble "Request headers are ~S" it)))) (bind ((host (or (assoc-value headers "Host" :test #'equal) (illegal-http-request/error "No \"Host\" header in the request"))) (host-length (length host)) (scheme (if https? "https" "http")) (scheme-length (length scheme)) (uri-string (bind ((position 0) (result (make-string (+ scheme-length #.(length "://") host-length raw-uri-length) :element-type 'base-char))) (replace result scheme) (replace result #.(coerce "://" 'simple-base-string) :start1 (incf position scheme-length)) (replace result host :start1 (incf position #.(length "://"))) (replace result raw-uri :start1 (incf position host-length)) result)) (uri (hu.dwim.uri:parse-uri uri-string))) (http.dribble "Request query parameters from the uri: ~S" (hu.dwim.uri:query-parameters-of uri)) ;; extend the parameters with the possible stuff in the request body ;; making sure duplicate entries are recorded in a list keeping the original order. (values http-method raw-uri version-string major-version minor-version uri headers)))))) (def (function o) take-iso-8859-1-substring-from-ub8-vector (buffer start end) ;; the base-char optimization may not necessarily be worth it... (bind ((result (if (find-if [>= !1 128] buffer :start start :end end) (make-string (- end start) :element-type 'character) (make-string (- end start) :element-type 'base-char)))) (iter (for source-index :first start :then (1+ source-index)) (for destination-index :upfrom 0) (while (< source-index end)) ;; usage of CODE-CHAR: iso-8859-1 coincides with the first 256 code points of unicode (setf (aref result destination-index) (code-char (aref buffer source-index)))) result)) (def (function io) is-alphanumeric-char-code? (byte) (or (<= #.(char-code #\a) byte #.(char-code #\z)) (<= #.(char-code #\A) byte #.(char-code #\Z)) (<= #.(char-code #\0) byte #.(char-code #\9)))) (declaim (ftype (function (simple-ub8-vector) (values string string (or null string) array-index)) parse-http-request-line)) (def (function o) parse-http-request-line (buffer) "A simple state machine which reads chars from CLIENT-FD until it gets a CR-LF sequence. Signals an error upon EOF." (declare (type simple-ub8-vector buffer)) (bind ((buffer/length (length buffer)) (position 0) (http-method nil) (uri nil) (uri/start-position nil) (version nil) (version/start-position nil)) (declare (type array-index position buffer/length)) (labels ((is-line-end? (byte) (or (eql byte #.+carriage-return+) (eql byte #.+linefeed+))) (next-byte () (when (>= position buffer/length) (illegal-http-request/error "~S ran out of available bytes in the buffer" 'parse-http-request-line)) (prog1 (aref buffer position) (incf position))) (fail-unless-linefeed () (unless (eql +linefeed+ (next-byte)) (illegal-http-request/error "Expecting a line-feed after a carriage-return character"))) (http-method () (bind ((next-byte (next-byte))) (cond ((eql next-byte #.+space+) (take-http-method) (uri)) ((is-line-end? next-byte) (illegal-http-request/error "Premature end of the first line of the HTTP request while parsing the HTTP method part")) ((not (is-alphanumeric-char-code? next-byte)) (illegal-http-request/error "Illegal character ~S while parsing the HTTP method part" next-byte)) (t (http-method))))) (take-http-method () (setf http-method (take-iso-8859-1-substring-from-ub8-vector buffer 0 (1- position))) (setf uri/start-position position)) (uri () (bind ((next-byte (next-byte))) (case next-byte (#.+space+ (take-uri) (version)) (#.+carriage-return+ (take-uri) (fail-unless-linefeed)) (t (uri))))) (take-uri () (setf uri (take-iso-8859-1-substring-from-ub8-vector buffer uri/start-position (1- position))) (setf version/start-position position)) (version () (bind ((next-byte (next-byte))) (case next-byte (#.+carriage-return+ (take-version) (fail-unless-linefeed)) (t (version))))) (take-version () (setf version (take-iso-8859-1-substring-from-ub8-vector buffer version/start-position (1- position))))) (http-method)) (unless (member http-method +valid-http-methods+ :test #'string=) (illegal-http-request/error "Illegal HTTP method ~S" http-method)) ;; TODO check uri and version for valid characters? or later while parsing them? (values http-method uri version position))) (def (function o) parse-http-request-headers (buffer position) (check-type buffer simple-ub8-vector) (check-type position array-index) (bind ((buffer/length (length buffer)) (headers '())) (labels ((next-byte () (when (>= position buffer/length) (illegal-http-request/error "~S ran out of available bytes in the buffer" 'parse-http-request-headers)) (prog1 (aref buffer position) (incf position))) (fail-unless-linefeed () (unless (eql +linefeed+ (next-byte)) (illegal-http-request/error "Expecting a line-feed after a carriage-return character"))) (header-line () (bind ((name nil) (name/start-position position) (value nil) (value/start-position nil)) (labels ((name/start () (case (next-byte) (#.(char-code #\:) (illegal-http-request/error "Zero length name in a HTTP header line")) (#.+carriage-return+ (fail-unless-linefeed)) (t (name)))) (name () (case (next-byte) (#.(char-code #\:) (setf name (take-iso-8859-1-substring-from-ub8-vector buffer name/start-position (1- position))) (name/skip-whitespace)) (#.(list +carriage-return+ +linefeed+) (illegal-http-request/error "Premature end of line while parsing a HTTP header name")) (t (name)))) (name/skip-whitespace () (case (next-byte) ((#.(char-code #\Space) #.(char-code #\Tab)) (name/skip-whitespace)) (#.+carriage-return+ (fail-unless-linefeed)) (t (setf value/start-position (1- position)) (value)))) (value () (case (next-byte) (#.+carriage-return+ (setf value (take-iso-8859-1-substring-from-ub8-vector buffer value/start-position (1- position))) (fail-unless-linefeed)) (t (value))))) (name/start) (when name (when (zerop (length name)) (illegal-http-request/error "Zero length name in a HTTP header line")) (push (cons name value) headers) (header-line)))))) (header-line)) (nreverse headers))) (def (function o) make-rfc2388-callback-factory (form-data-accumulator file-accumulator) (named-lambda rfc2388-callback-factory (mime-part) (http.dribble "Processing mime part ~S." mime-part) (bind ((content-disposition-header (rfc2388-binary:get-header mime-part "Content-Disposition")) (content-disposition (rfc2388-binary:header-value content-disposition-header)) (name (rfc2388-binary:get-header-attribute content-disposition-header "name")) (filename (rfc2388-binary:get-header-attribute content-disposition-header "filename"))) (http.dribble "Got a mime part. Disposition: ~S; Name: ~S; Filename: ~S" content-disposition name filename) (http.dribble "Mime Part:---~%~A---" (with-output-to-string (dump) (rfc2388-binary:print-mime-part mime-part dump))) (when (and filename (equal filename "")) (setf filename nil)) (cond ((or (string-equal "file" content-disposition) (not (null filename))) (bind (((:values file file-name) (open-temporary-file :file-name-prefix "hdws-file-upload-"))) (flet ((close-and-delete-temporary-file () (close file) (delete-file file-name))) (unwind-protect-case () (progn (setf (rfc2388-binary:content mime-part) file-name) (http.dribble "Sending mime part data to file ~S (~S)" file-name (rfc2388-binary:content mime-part)) (bind ((counter 0) (buffer (make-array 8196 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) (buffer-length (length buffer)) (buffer-index 0)) (declare (type array-index buffer-length buffer-index counter)) (values (named-lambda mime/byte-handler (byte) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) byte)) ;;(http.dribble "File byte ~4,'0D: ~D~:[~; (~C)~]" counter byte (<= 32 byte 127) (code-char byte)) (setf (aref buffer buffer-index) byte) (incf counter) (incf buffer-index) (when (>= buffer-index buffer-length) (write-sequence buffer file) (setf buffer-index 0))) (named-lambda mime/finish-callback () (http.dribble "Done with file ~S" (rfc2388-binary:content mime-part)) (unless (zerop buffer-index) (write-sequence buffer file :end buffer-index)) (http.dribble "Closing ~S" (rfc2388-binary:content mime-part)) (close file) (http.dribble "Closed, calling file-accumulator ~S" file-accumulator) (funcall file-accumulator name mime-part) (values)) #'close-and-delete-temporary-file))) (:abort (close-and-delete-temporary-file)))))) ((string-equal "form-data" content-disposition) (http.dribble "Grabbing mime-part data as string.") (setf (rfc2388-binary:content mime-part) (make-adjustable-vector 10 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) (bind ((counter 0)) (declare (type array-index counter)) (values (lambda (byte) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) byte)) (http.dribble "Form-data byte ~4,'0D: ~D~:[~; (~C)~]." counter byte (<= 32 byte 127) (code-char byte)) (incf counter) (vector-push-extend byte (rfc2388-binary:content mime-part))) (lambda () ;; TODO fixed utf-8? (bind ((content (utf-8-octets-to-string (rfc2388-binary:content mime-part)))) (http.dribble "Done with form-data ~S: ~S" name content) (funcall form-data-accumulator name content) (values)))))) (t (illegal-http-request/error "Don't know how to handle the mime-part ~S (content-disposition: ~S)" mime-part content-disposition-header)))))) (def (function o) parse-http-request/body (stream raw-content-length raw-content-type initial-parameter-alist) (when (and raw-content-length raw-content-type) (with-thread-name " / PARSE-HTTP-REQUEST/BODY" (bind ((content-length (parse-integer raw-content-length :junk-allowed t))) (when (and content-length (> content-length 0)) (when (> content-length *length-limit/http-request-body*) (request-length-limit-reached 'parse-http-request/body *length-limit/http-request-body* content-length)) (bind (((:values content-type attributes) (rfc2388-binary:parse-header-value raw-content-type)) ;; later on we may sideffect this alist, so copy (final-parameter-alist (copy-alist initial-parameter-alist))) (switch (content-type :test #'string=) ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ;; TODO dos prevention, lower limit here than *length-limit/http-request-body* or separate for files (bind ((buffer (make-array content-length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (read-sequence buffer stream) (bind ((buffer-as-string (aif (cdr (assoc "charset" attributes :test #'string=)) (eswitch (it :test #'string-equal) ("utf-8" (utf-8-octets-to-string buffer)) ("ascii" (us-ascii-octets-to-string buffer)) ("iso-8859-1" (iso-8859-1-octets-to-string buffer))) (us-ascii-octets-to-string buffer)))) (http.dribble "Parsing application/x-www-form-urlencoded body. Attributes: ~S, value: ~S" attributes buffer-as-string) ;; TODO buffer-as-string should never be non-ascii? read up on the standard, do something about that coerce... (setf buffer-as-string (coerce buffer-as-string 'simple-base-string)) (return-from parse-http-request/body (hu.dwim.uri:parse-query-parameters buffer-as-string :initial-parameters final-parameter-alist :sideffect-initial-parameters #t))))) ("multipart/form-data" (http.dribble "Parsing multipart/form-data body. Attributes: ~S." attributes) (bind ((boundary (cdr (assoc "boundary" attributes :test #'string=))) ;; no need to copy the alist and explicitly return it, because we are only pushing to its head (final-parameter-alist initial-parameter-alist)) ;; TODO DOS prevention: add support for rfc2388-binary to limit parsing length if the ContentLength header is fake, pass in *length-limit/http-request-body* (rfc2388-binary:read-mime stream boundary (make-rfc2388-callback-factory (lambda (name value) ;; FIXME using internals (hu.dwim.uri::record-query-parameter (cons name value) final-parameter-alist)) (lambda (name file-mime-part) (hu.dwim.uri::record-query-parameter (cons name file-mime-part) final-parameter-alist)))) (return-from parse-http-request/body final-parameter-alist))) (t (illegal-http-request/error "Don't know how to handle content type ~S" content-type)))))))) (http.debug "Skipped parsing request body, raw Content-Type is [~S], raw Content-Length is [~S]" raw-content-type raw-content-length) initial-parameter-alist)