;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.web-server) #| TODO delme? (def (condition* e) no-handler-for-request (error) ((raw-uri nil) (request (when (boundp '*request*) *request*))) (:report (lambda (error stream) (format stream "No handler for query: ~S~%" (or (raw-uri-of error) (awhen (request-of error) (raw-uri-of it)) "#"))))) (def function no-handler-for-request (&optional (request *request*)) (error 'no-handler-for-request :request request)) |# (def condition* request-processing-error (error) ((request (when (boundp '*request*) *request*)))) (def (condition* e) request-length-limit-reached (request-processing-error) ((assumed-content-length nil) (content-length-limit nil) (operation nil)) (:report (lambda (error stream) (format stream "The size of the request is larger than what's allowed by the server policy (~A >= ~A, in operation ~S); see ~S and/or ~S." (assumed-content-length-of error) (content-length-limit-of error) (operation-of error) '*length-limit/http-request-head* '*length-limit/http-request-body*)))) (def function request-length-limit-reached (operation content-length-limit &optional assumed-content-length) (error 'request-length-limit-reached :assumed-content-length assumed-content-length :content-length-limit content-length-limit :operation operation)) (def (condition e) access-denied-error (request-processing-error) ()) (def (function e) access-denied-error () (error 'access-denied-error)) (def condition illegal-http-request/error (simple-error request-processing-error) ()) (def function illegal-http-request/error (&optional (format-control nil format-control?) &rest format-arguments) (error 'illegal-http-request/error :format-control (if format-control? (string+ "Illegal HTTP request: " format-control) "Illegal HTTP request") :format-arguments format-arguments))