;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.web-server) ;;;;;; ;;; specials available while processing a request (def (special-variable e :documentation "The APPLICATION associated with the currently processed HTTP REQUEST.") *application*) (def (special-variable e :documentation "The SESSION associated with the currently processed HTTP REQUEST.") *session*) (def (special-variable e :documentation "The FRAME associated with the currently processed HTTP REQUEST.") *frame*) (def (special-variable e :documentation "Bound in the dynamic extent of WITH-ACTION-LOGIC. Its value is either NIL or an action if one was successfully associated with the http request.") *action*) (def (special-variable :documentation "It's set to true when the rendering protocol is invoked, and with that it provides information for the error handling code.") *rendering-phase-reached*) (def (special-variable :documentation "It's bound to true while in the dynamic extent of user code (the bodies of entry points, actions and the render methods of components).") *inside-user-code*) (def (special-variable e :documentation "When true, it means that the current request will render a bit more content for the current snapshot (as opposed to do a full redraw). AJAX requests are implicitly delayed content requests.") *delayed-content-request*) (def (special-variable e :documentation "When true, it means that the request was fired by the client side JS stack and expects an XML answer.") *ajax-aware-request*) (def (special-variable e :documentation "Bound inside entry-points, and contains part of the path of the request url that comes after the application's url prefix.") *application-relative-path*) (def (special-variable e :documentation "Bound inside entry-points, and contains part of the path of the request url that comes after the entry-point url prefix (so, it's an empty string for exact path matching entry-point's).") *entry-point-relative-path*) ;;;;;; ;;; application slot defaults ;; TODO think through the 'default' prefix. somewhere added, somewhere not... maybe rebind from app context... (def (special-variable e) *maximum-sessions-per-application-count* most-positive-fixnum "The default for the same slot in applications.") (def (special-variable e) *default-session-timeout* (* 30 60) "The default for the same slot in applications.") (def (special-variable e) *default-frame-timeout* *default-session-timeout* "The default for the same slot in applications.") (def (special-variable e) *default-ajax-enabled* #t "The default for the same slot in applications.") ;;;;;; ;;; constants (def constant +session-purge/time-interval+ 30) (def constant +action-id-length+ 8) (def constant +frame-id-length+ 8) (def constant +frame-index-length+ 4) (def constant +session-id-length+ 40) (def constant +action-id-parameter-name+ "_a") (def constant +frame-id-parameter-name+ "_f") (def constant +frame-index-parameter-name+ "_x") (def constant +ajax-aware-parameter-name+ "_j") (def constant +delayed-content-parameter-name+ "_d") (def constant +modifier-keys-parameter-name+ "_m") (pushnew +ajax-aware-parameter-name+ *clone-request-uri/default-strip-query-parameters* :test 'equal) (pushnew +delayed-content-parameter-name+ *clone-request-uri/default-strip-query-parameters* :test 'equal) (def constant +frame-query-parameter-names+ (list +frame-id-parameter-name+ +frame-index-parameter-name+ +action-id-parameter-name+)) (def constant +session-cookie-name+ "sid")