;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.web-server) (def class* activity-monitor-mixin () ((last-activity-at (get-monotonic-time) :type number) (last-activity-timestamp (local-time:now) :type local-time:timestamp) (time-to-live :type number))) (def (generic e) notify-activity (thing) (:method ((self activity-monitor-mixin)) (setf (last-activity-at-of self) (get-monotonic-time)) (setf (last-activity-timestamp-of self) (local-time:now)))) (def (generic e) mark-expired (thing) (:method ((thing activity-monitor-mixin)) (setf (last-activity-at-of thing) most-negative-fixnum))) (def (generic e) time-since-last-activity (thing) (:method ((self activity-monitor-mixin)) (- (get-monotonic-time) (last-activity-at-of self)))) (def generic is-timed-out? (thing) (:method ((self activity-monitor-mixin)) (> (time-since-last-activity self) (time-to-live-of self)))) (def class* string-id-mixin () ((id nil :type string))) (def class* string-id-for-funcallable-mixin () ((id nil :type string)) (:metaclass funcallable-standard-class)) (def print-object (string-id-mixin :identity #t :type #f) (print-object-for-string-id-mixin -self-)) (def print-object (string-id-for-funcallable-mixin :identity #t :type #f) (print-object-for-string-id-mixin -self-)) (def function print-object-for-string-id-mixin (self) (write-string (string (class-name (class-of self)))) (write-string " ") (aif (id-of self) (write-string it) "")) ;;;;;; ;;; Session (def class* session (string-id-mixin activity-monitor-mixin debug-context-mixin) ((http-user-agent (identify-http-user-agent *request*) :type http-user-agent) (application nil :type application) (client-timezone (default-timezone-of *application*) :type local-time::timezone) (frame-timeout *default-frame-timeout* :type integer) (frame-id->frame (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :type hash-table) (lock (make-recursive-lock "hu.dwim.web-server session lock")) (computed-universe nil) (valid #t :type boolean :accessor is-session-valid? :export :accessor))) (def method debug-on-error? ((session session) error) (if (slot-boundp session 'debug-on-error) (slot-value session 'debug-on-error) (debug-on-error? (application-of session) error))) (def (function e) mark-session-invalid (&optional (session *session*)) (setf (is-session-valid? session) #f) (maphash-values #'mark-frame-invalid (frame-id->frame-of session))) (def function is-session-alive? (session) (cond ((not (is-session-valid? session)) (values #f :invalidated)) ((is-timed-out? session) (values #f :timed-out)) (t (values #t)))) (def (with-macro* e) with-lock-held-on-session (session &key deadline) (with-lock-held-on-thing ('session session :deadline deadline) (-with-macro/body-))) (def method (setf id-of) :before (id (session session)) (awhen (id-of session) (error "The session ~S already has an id: ~A." session it)) #*((:sbcl (setf (sb-thread:mutex-name (lock-of session)) (format nil "hu.dwim.web-server session lock for session ~A" id))))) (def (function i) assert-session-lock-held (session) (assert (is-lock-held? (lock-of session)) () "You must have a lock on the session here")) (def (generic e) notify-session-expiration (application session) (:method (application (session session)) ;; nop )) (def function find-session-by-id (application session-id &key (otherwise :error otherwise?)) (check-type session-id string) (or (gethash session-id (session-id->session-of application)) (handle-otherwise (error "Could not find session ~S of application ~A" session-id application)))) (def (function o) find-session-from-request (application) ;; TODO ? deal with situations when there are multiple cookies returned due to e.g. some having been installed on overlapping erroneous paths (bind ((session-id (cookie-value +session-cookie-name+)) (cookie-exists? (not (null session-id))) (session nil) (session-instance nil) (invalidity-reason nil)) (app.dribble "Looking for session-id cookie ~S among ~A" +session-cookie-name+ (cookies-of *request*)) (when session-id (app.debug "Found session-id parameter ~S" session-id) (setf session-instance (find-session-by-id application session-id :otherwise nil)) (setf session session-instance) (when session (bind ((alive?)) (setf (values alive? invalidity-reason) (is-session-alive? session)) (if alive? (app.debug "Looked up as valid, alive session ~A" session) (progn (app.debug "Looked up as a session, but it's not valid anymore due to ~S. It's ~A." invalidity-reason session) (setf session nil)))))) (when (and (not session) (not invalidity-reason)) (setf invalidity-reason :nonexistent)) (values session cookie-exists? invalidity-reason session-instance))) ;;;;;; ;;; http user agent breakdown ;; TODO rename to what? http-user-agent-statistics? breakdown means something else... ;; TODO or just implement it in a different way than inheritance... also including other statistics than the count... (def class* http-user-agent-breakdown (http-user-agent) ((count :type integer))) (def function make-http-user-agent-breakdown (&optional (server *server*)) (bind ((user-agents (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) (applications '())) (map-broker-tree server [push !1 applications] :filter (of-type 'application)) (dolist (application applications) (iter (for (id session) :in-hashtable (session-id->session-of application)) (for user-agent = (http-user-agent-of session)) (when user-agent (incf (gethash (raw-http-header-value-of user-agent) user-agents 0))))) (iter (for (header-value count) :in-hashtable user-agents) (collect (change-class (parse-http-user-agent header-value) 'http-user-agent-breakdown :count count)))))