;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.web-server) (def (with-macro* eo) with-session-logic (&key ensure-session (requires-valid-session #t) (lock-session #t)) (assert (and (boundp '*application*) *application*) () "May not use WITH-SESSION-LOGIC outside the dynamic extent of an application; ~S is not bound properly or NIL" '*application*) (assert (and (boundp '*session*) (boundp '*frame*)) () "May not use WITH-SESSION-LOGIC outside the dynamic extent of an application; ~S and/or ~S is not bound properly" '*session* '*frame*) (bind ((application *application*) (session nil) (session-instance nil) (session-cookie-exists? #f) (invalidity-reason nil) (new-session? #f) (application-lock-held? #f)) (app.debug "WITH-SESSION-LOGIC speaking, request is delayed-content? ~A, ajax-aware? ~A" *delayed-content-request* *ajax-aware-request*) (assert (not (is-lock-held? (lock-of application)))) ;; KLUDGE this kind of locking logic can not be done with bordeaux-threads... (flet ((lock-application () (bind ((mutex (lock-of application))) (sb-sys:without-interrupts (unless (eq (sb-thread::mutex-%owner mutex) sb-thread:*current-thread*) (sb-sys:allow-with-interrupts (sb-thread:get-mutex mutex) (setf application-lock-held? #t)))))) (ensure-application-is-unlocked () (sb-sys:without-interrupts (when application-lock-held? (sb-thread:release-mutex (lock-of application)) (setf application-lock-held? #f))))) (unwind-protect (progn (lock-application) (progn ;; find the session while the app is locked, or create a new one if requested by the caller (setf (values session session-cookie-exists? invalidity-reason session-instance) (find-session-from-request application)) (when (and (not session) (eq invalidity-reason :nonexistent) ensure-session) (setf session (make-new-session application)) (register-session application session) (setf new-session? #t)) (when (or (null session) (not lock-session)) ;; if there's no session or we were not asked to lock it, then release the app early to lower contention (ensure-application-is-unlocked)) (setf *session* session)) (abort-request-unless-still-valid) (if session (bind ((local-time:*default-timezone* (client-timezone-of session))) (incf (requests-to-sessions-count-of application)) (restart-case (bind ((response (if lock-session (progn (app.debug "WITH-SESSION-LOGIC is locking session ~A as requested" session) ;; TODO check if locking would hang, handle the situation somehow (with-lock-held-on-session (session) (ensure-application-is-unlocked) (when (is-request-still-valid?) (call-in-application-environment application session #'-body-)))) (progn (app.debug "WITH-SESSION-LOGIC is NOT locking session ~A, it wasn't requested" session) (call-in-application-environment application session #'-body-))))) (when (and new-session? response) (decorate-session-cookie application response)) response) (delete-current-session () :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "Delete session ~A and rety handling the request" session)) (mark-expired session) (invoke-retry-handling-request-restart)))) (if (or requires-valid-session (not (eq invalidity-reason :nonexistent))) (bind ((response (handle-request-to-invalid-session application session invalidity-reason))) (decorate-session-cookie application response) response) (call-in-application-environment application nil #'-body-)))) (ensure-application-is-unlocked))))) (def (with-macro* eo) with-frame-logic (&key (requires-valid-frame #t) (ensure-frame #f)) (assert (and *application* *session* (boundp '*frame*)) () "May not use WITH-FRAME-LOGIC without a proper session in the environment") (app.debug "WITH-FRAME-LOGIC speaking, requires-valid-frame ~A, ensure-frame ~A" requires-valid-frame ensure-frame) (bind ((application *application*) (session *session*) ((:values frame nil invalidity-reason frame-instance) (when session (find-frame-for-request session)))) (setf *frame* frame) (app.debug "WITH-FRAME-LOGIC looked up frame ~A from session ~A" frame session) (if frame (-body-) (cond ((and requires-valid-frame (not frame) (or (not ensure-frame) (not *session*))) (handle-request-to-invalid-frame application session frame-instance invalidity-reason)) ((and ensure-frame *session*) ;; set up a new frame and fall through to the entry points to set up to their favour (setf frame (make-new-frame application session)) (register-frame application session frame) (setf *frame* frame) (make-redirect-response-with-frame-parameters-decorated)) (t (-body-)))))) (def (with-macro* eo) with-action-logic (&key requires-valid-action) (app.debug "WITH-ACTION-LOGIC speaking") (assert (and *application* *session* *frame*) () "May not use WITH-ACTION-LOGIC without a proper application/session/frame dynamic environment") ;; let's guarantee that the request body is fully parsed inside WITH-ACTION-LOGIC (ensure-http-request-body-is-parsed *request* :length-limit (or (length-limit/http-request-body-of *server*) *length-limit/http-request-body*)) (bind ((application *application*) (session *session*) (frame *frame*)) (assert-session-lock-held session) ;; TODO here? find its place... (notify-activity session) (labels ((convert-to-primitive-response* (response) (app.debug "Calling CONVERT-TO-PRIMITIVE-RESPONSE for ~A while still inside the WITH-LOCK-HELD-ON-SESSION's and WITH-ACTION-LOGIC's dynamic scope" response) (convert-to-primitive-response response))) (if frame (restart-case (progn (notify-activity frame) (process-client-state-sinks frame (query-parameters-of *request*)) (bind ((action (find-action-from-request frame)) (*action* action) (incoming-frame-index (parameter-value +frame-index-parameter-name+)) (current-frame-index (frame-index-of frame)) (next-frame-index (next-frame-index-of frame))) (with-error-log-decorators ((make-error-log-decorator (format t "~%Action: ~A" action)) #+sbcl (make-error-log-decorator (format t "~%Action source location: ~S" (when action (swank-backend:find-source-location (sb-kernel:funcallable-instance-fun action)))))) (unless (stringp current-frame-index) (setf current-frame-index (integer-to-string current-frame-index))) (unless (stringp next-frame-index) (setf next-frame-index (integer-to-string next-frame-index))) (app.debug "Incoming frame-index is ~S, current is ~S, next is ~S, action is ~A" incoming-frame-index current-frame-index next-frame-index action) (cond ((and action incoming-frame-index) (bind ((original-frame-index nil)) (unwind-protect-case () (if (equal incoming-frame-index next-frame-index) (progn (app.dribble "Found an action and frame is in sync...") (unless *delayed-content-request* (setf original-frame-index (step-to-next-frame-index frame))) (app.debug "Calling the action now...") (bind ((response (call-action application session frame action))) (app.dribble "Action returned response ~A" response) (when (typep response 'response) (return-from with-action-logic (convert-to-primitive-response* response))))) (return-from with-action-logic (convert-to-primitive-response* (handle-request-to-invalid-frame application session frame :out-of-sync)))) (:abort ;; TODO the problem at hand is this: when the app specific error handler is called the stack is not yet unwinded ;; so this REVERT-STEP-TO-NEXT-FRAME-INDEX is not yet called, therefore the page it renders will point to an invalid ;; frame index after this unwind block is executed. ;; but on the other hand without this uwp, the "retry rendering this request" restart is broken... ;; FIXME we chose the lesser badness here and don't do the revert, so break the restart instead of the user visible error page #+nil (when original-frame-index (revert-step-to-next-frame-index frame original-frame-index)))))) (incoming-frame-index (unless (equal incoming-frame-index current-frame-index) (return-from with-action-logic (convert-to-primitive-response* (handle-request-to-invalid-frame application session frame :out-of-sync))))) ;; at the time the frame is first registered, there's no frame index param in the url, so just fall through here and ;; end up at the entry points. ) (app.dribble "Action logic fell through, proceeding to the body thunk...") (if requires-valid-action (handle-request-to-invalid-action application session frame action :nonexistent) (values (convert-to-primitive-response* (-body-))))))) (delete-current-frame () :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "Delete frame ~A" frame)) (mark-expired frame) (invoke-retry-handling-request-restart))) (handle-request-to-invalid-frame application session frame :nonexistent))))) ;;;;;; ;;; invalid request handling ;; TODO search all usages of this and direct usage of , and factor out what makes sense (def macro emit-response-for-ajax-aware-client (() &body body) `(emit-http-response ((+header/status+ +http-ok+ +header/content-type+ +xml-mime-type+)) ,@,@body>)) ;; TODO this name is so-so. names around making responses should be thought over... (def macro make-functional-response/ajax-aware-client (() &body body) `(make-raw-functional-response () (emit-response-for-ajax-aware-client () ,@body))) (def function handle-delayed-request-to-invalid-session/frame/action () ;; what else can we do? it's a *delayed-content-request* not a full page reload... (make-do-nothing-response)) (def method handle-request-to-invalid-session ((application application) session invalidity-reason) (app.debug "Default HANDLE-REQUEST-TO-INVALID-SESSION is speaking, invalidity-reason is ~S, *ajax-aware-request* is ~S" invalidity-reason *ajax-aware-request*) (cond (*ajax-aware-request* (make-functional-response/ajax-aware-client ()