;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.web-server) (def function generate-frame-index (&optional previous) (if (and (running-in-test-mode? *application*) (or (not previous) (integerp previous))) (if previous (1+ previous) 0) (random-string +frame-index-length+))) ;; TODO abstract away hu.dwim.presentation component dependency (def class* frame (string-id-mixin activity-monitor-mixin) ((session nil :type session) (unique-counter 0 :type integer) (frame-index (generate-frame-index) :type string) (next-frame-index (generate-frame-index 0) :type string) (client-state-sink-id->client-state-sink (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :type hash-table) (action-id->action (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :type hash-table) (root-component nil :export #t) (debug-component-hierarchy #f :type boolean :accessor debug-component-hierarchy?) (valid #t :type boolean :accessor is-frame-valid? :export :accessor))) (def print-object (frame :identity #t :type #f) (print-object-for-string-id-mixin -self-) (write-string " index: ") (princ (frame-index-of -self-)) (write-string ", next-index: ") (princ (next-frame-index-of -self-)) (write-string ", actions: ") (princ (hash-table-count (action-id->action-of -self-)))) (def method debug-client-side? ((self frame)) (debug-client-side? (root-component-of self))) (def (function i) %generate-unique-string (prefix unique-counter) (bind ((*print-pretty* #f)) (with-output-to-string (str) (when prefix (princ prefix str)) (princ unique-counter str)))) ;; NOTE: care must be taken to have a *frame* when rendering ajax re-renderable parts, because only that guarantees that there won't be duplicate id's on the client side (def (function ei) generate-unique-string (&optional prefix) (if *frame* (%generate-unique-string (or prefix "f") (incf (unique-counter-of *frame*))) (%generate-unique-string (or prefix "r") (incf *response/unique-counter*)))) (def (macro e) with-unique-strings ((&rest names) &body body) `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (name) (bind (((:values symbol string) (etypecase name (symbol (values name nil)) ((cons symbol (cons string-designator null)) (values (first name) (string (second name))))))) `(,symbol (generate-unique-string ,string)))) names) ,@body)) (def function mark-frame-invalid (&optional (frame *frame*)) (setf (is-frame-valid? frame) #f) (setf (root-component-of frame) nil) (clrhash (action-id->action-of frame)) (clrhash (client-state-sink-id->client-state-sink-of frame)) frame) (def (function e) the-only-root-component (&optional (application *application*)) "Helper for the REPL." (bind ((session (the-only-element (hash-table-values (session-id->session-of application)))) (frame (the-only-element (hash-table-values (frame-id->frame-of session))))) (root-component-of frame))) (def function is-frame-alive? (frame) (cond ((not (is-frame-valid? frame)) (values #f :invalidated)) ((is-timed-out? frame) (values #f :timed-out)) (t (values #t nil)))) (def (function o) find-frame-for-request (session) (bind ((frame-id (parameter-value +frame-id-parameter-name+)) (frame nil) (frame-instance nil) (invalidity-reason nil)) (when frame-id (app.debug "Found frame-id parameter ~S" frame-id) (setf frame-instance (gethash frame-id (frame-id->frame-of session))) (setf frame frame-instance) (when frame (bind ((alive? #f)) (setf (values alive? invalidity-reason) (is-frame-alive? frame)) (if alive? (app.debug "Looked up as valid, alive frame ~A" frame) (progn (app.debug "Looked up as a frame, but it's not valid anymore due to ~S. It's ~A." invalidity-reason frame) (setf frame nil)))))) (when (and (not frame) (not invalidity-reason)) (setf invalidity-reason :nonexistent)) (values frame (not (null frame-id)) invalidity-reason frame-instance))) (def method purge-frames (application (session session)) (assert-session-lock-held session) (bind ((frame-id->frame (frame-id->frame-of session))) (iter (for (frame-id frame) :in-hashtable frame-id->frame) (unless (is-frame-alive? frame) (remhash frame-id frame-id->frame)))) (values)) (def function step-to-next-frame-index (frame) (app.debug "Stepping to next frame index. From ~S to next ~S, frame is ~A" (frame-index-of frame) (next-frame-index-of frame) frame) (bind ((original-frame-index (frame-index-of frame))) (setf (frame-index-of frame) (next-frame-index-of frame)) (setf (next-frame-index-of frame) (generate-frame-index (frame-index-of frame))) original-frame-index)) (def function revert-step-to-next-frame-index (frame original-frame-index) (app.debug "Reverting the step to next frame index. Original ~S to next ~S, frame is ~A" original-frame-index (frame-index-of frame) frame) (setf (next-frame-index-of frame) (frame-index-of frame)) (setf (frame-index-of frame) original-frame-index) (values)) ;;;;;; ;;; Client state sinks (def constant +client-state-sink-id-length+ 8) (def class* client-state-sink (string-id-for-funcallable-mixin) () (:metaclass funcallable-standard-class)) (def (macro e) client-state-sink ((value-variable-name) &body body) `(register-client-state-sink *frame* (make-client-state-sink (,value-variable-name) ,@body))) (def (macro e) make-client-state-sink ((value-variable-name) &body body) `(make-client-state-sink-using-lambda (named-lambda client-state-sink-body (,value-variable-name) (block nil ,@body)))) (def (function e) make-client-state-sink-using-lambda (client-state-sink-lambda) (bind ((client-state-sink (make-instance 'client-state-sink))) (set-funcallable-instance-function client-state-sink client-state-sink-lambda) client-state-sink)) (def (function e) register-client-state-sink (frame client-state-sink) (assert (or (not (boundp '*frame*)) (null *frame*) (eq *frame* frame))) (assert-session-lock-held (session-of frame)) (bind ((client-state-sink-id->client-state-sink (client-state-sink-id->client-state-sink-of frame))) (unless (typep client-state-sink 'client-state-sink) (assert (functionp client-state-sink)) (setf client-state-sink (make-client-state-sink-using-lambda client-state-sink))) (bind ((client-state-sink-id (insert-with-new-random-hash-table-key client-state-sink-id->client-state-sink client-state-sink +client-state-sink-id-length+ :prefix #.(coerce "_cs_" 'simple-base-string)))) (setf (id-of client-state-sink) client-state-sink-id) (app.dribble "Registered client-state-sink with id ~S in frame ~A" client-state-sink-id frame))) client-state-sink) (def function process-client-state-sinks (frame query-parameters) (bind ((client-state-sink-id->client-state-sink (client-state-sink-id->client-state-sink-of frame))) (iter (for (name . value) :in query-parameters) (app.dribble "Checking query parameter ~S if it's a client-state-sink" name) (awhen (gethash name client-state-sink-id->client-state-sink) (app.dribble "Query parameter ~S is a client-state-sink, calling it with value ~S" it value) (funcall it value)))))