;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.web-server) (def methods entry-point-equals-for-redefinition (:method ((a broker-at-path) (b broker-at-path)) (equal (path-of a) (path-of b)))) (def (function e) ensure-entry-point (application entry-point) ;; helper function for redefining entry points. works based on the generic protocol called ENTRY-POINT-EQUALS-FOR-REDEFINITION. (setf (entry-points-of application) (delete-if (lambda (old-entry-point) (entry-point-equals-for-redefinition old-entry-point entry-point)) (entry-points-of application))) (appendf (entry-points-of application) (list entry-point)) (setf (entry-points-of application) (stable-sort (entry-points-of application) (lambda (a b) (block comparing (bind ((a-priority (priority-of a)) (b-priority (priority-of b))) (when (= a-priority b-priority) #+() ; TODO delme if we decide not to support prefix-mode ((when (and (typep a 'broker-at-path-prefix) (typep b 'broker-at-path)) (return-from comparing #f)) (when (and (typep a 'broker-at-path) (typep b 'broker-at-path-prefix)) (return-from comparing #t))) (bind ((a-path (when (typep a 'broker-at-path) (path-of a))) (b-path (when (typep b 'broker-at-path) (path-of b)))) ;; if we can extract path for brokers of the same priority then the one with a longer path goes first (return-from comparing (> (length a-path) (length b-path))))) (> a-priority b-priority)))))) entry-point) (def (with-macro* e) with-entry-point-logic (&key (with-optional-session/frame/action-logic #f) (with-session-logic #t) (requires-valid-session with-session-logic) (ensure-session #f) (with-frame-logic with-session-logic) (requires-valid-frame requires-valid-session) (ensure-frame #f) (with-action-logic with-frame-logic) (requires-valid-action #f)) (when with-optional-session/frame/action-logic ;; TODO style warn when any of these are provided (setf with-session-logic #t) (setf with-frame-logic #t) (setf with-action-logic #t) (setf ensure-session #f) (setf ensure-frame #t) (setf requires-valid-session #f) (setf requires-valid-frame #f) (setf requires-valid-action #f)) (when (and with-frame-logic (not with-session-logic)) (error "Can't use WITH-FRAME-LOGIC without WITH-SESSION-LOGIC")) (when (and with-action-logic (not with-frame-logic)) (error "Can't use WITH-ACTION-LOGIC without WITH-FRAME-LOGIC")) (when (and ensure-session (not with-session-logic)) (error "Can't use ENSURE-SESSION without WITH-SESSION-LOGIC")) (when (and ensure-frame (not with-frame-logic)) (error "Can't use ENSURE-FRAME without WITH-FRAME-LOGIC")) (app.debug "Entry point body reached, going through the session/frame/action logic; with-session-logic: ~A, with-frame-logic: ~A, with-action-logic: ~A" with-session-logic with-frame-logic with-action-logic) (surround-body-when with-session-logic (with-session-logic (:requires-valid-session requires-valid-session :ensure-session ensure-session) (-body-)) (surround-body-when with-frame-logic (progn (when requires-valid-session (assert *session*)) (if *session* (with-frame-logic (:requires-valid-frame requires-valid-frame :ensure-frame ensure-frame) (-body-)) (-body-))) (surround-body-when with-action-logic (if *frame* (with-action-logic (:requires-valid-action requires-valid-action) (-body-)) (-body-)) (call-in-post-action-environment *application* *session* *frame* (named-lambda call-in-post-action-environment-body () (convert-to-primitive-response (call-in-entry-point-environment *application* *session* #'-with-macro/body-)))))))) (def (definer e) entry-point ((application class &rest initargs) &body body) (with-unique-names (entry-point request) (cond ((eq class :path) (setf class 'broker-at-path) (push :path initargs))) `(bind ((,entry-point (make-instance ',class ,@initargs))) ,(when body `(setf (handler-of ,entry-point) (named-lambda entry-point-definer/handler (&key ((:broker ,entry-point)) ((:request ,request)) &allow-other-keys) (check-type ,entry-point broker) (call-if-matches-request ,entry-point ,request (named-lambda entry-point-definer/body () (bind ((*entry-point-relative-path* *remaining-query-path-elements*)) ,@body)))))) (ensure-entry-point ,application ,entry-point) ,entry-point))) (def (definer e) entry-points (application &body entries) (once-only (application) `(progn ,@(iter (for entry :in entries) (collect `(def (entry-point ,@-options-) (,application ,@entry))))))) (def (definer e) file-serving-entry-point (application path root-directory &key allow-access-to-external-files priority) ;; TODO it should dispatch on (cl-fad:directory-pathname-p root-directory) to chose the type, but at macroexpand time root-directory can be a form, not only a pathname `(def (entry-point ,@-options-) (,application directory-serving-broker :path ,path :root-directory ,root-directory :allow-access-to-external-files ,allow-access-to-external-files :priority ,priority))) (def (definer e) file-serving-entry-points (application &body entries) (once-only (application) `(progn ,@(iter (for entry :in entries) (bind (((path root-directory &key allow-access-to-external-files priority) entry)) (collect `(def (file-serving-entry-point ,@-options-) ,application ,path ,root-directory :allow-access-to-external-files ,allow-access-to-external-files :priority ,priority))))))) (def (definer e) js-file-serving-entry-point (application path root-directory &key priority) `(def (entry-point ,@-options-) (,application js-directory-serving-broker :path-prefix ,path :root-directory ,root-directory :priority ,priority)))