;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.web-server) (def localization-loader-callback localization-loader/hu.dwim.web-server.application :hu.dwim.web-server "localization/application/" :log-discriminator "hu.dwim.web-server.application") (def (class* e) standard-application (application-with-login-support application-with-home-package application-with-dojo-support) ()) (def (class* e) application (broker-at-path request-counter-mixin debug-context-mixin) ((requests-to-sessions-count 0 :type integer :export :accessor) (entry-points nil) (default-uri-scheme "http" :type string) (default-locale "en" :type string) (supported-locales '("en") :type sequence) (default-timezone local-time:*default-timezone* :type local-time::timezone) (session-class nil :type (or null standard-class)) (session-timeout *default-session-timeout* :type number) (sessions-last-purged-at (get-monotonic-time) :type number) (maximum-sessions-count *maximum-sessions-per-application-count* :type integer) (session-id->session (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :type hash-table :export :accessor) (administrator-email-address nil :type (or null string) :export :accessor) (lock (make-recursive-lock "hu.dwim.web-server application lock")) (running-in-test-mode #f :type boolean :accessor running-in-test-mode? :export :accessor) (debug-client-side :type boolean :writer (setf debug-client-side?)) (ajax-enabled *default-ajax-enabled* :type boolean :accessor ajax-enabled? :export :accessor)) (:default-initargs :path '())) (def (function e) make-frame-root-component (&optional content) (make-frame-root-component-using-application *application* *session* *frame* content)) (def method debug-on-error? ((application application) error) (cond ((slot-boundp application 'debug-on-error) (slot-value application 'debug-on-error)) ;; TODO: there's some anomaly here compared to sessions/apps: sessions are owned by an application, but apps don't have a server slot. resolve or ignore? are apps exclusively owned by servers? ((and (boundp '*server*) *server*) (debug-on-error? *server* error)) (t (call-next-method)))) (def method debug-client-side? ((self application)) (if (slot-boundp self 'debug-client-side) (slot-value self 'debug-client-side) (call-next-method))) (def (function e) human-readable-broker-path (server application) (bind ((path (broker-path-to-broker server application))) (assert (member application path)) (join-strings (iter (for el :in path) (etypecase el (application (collect (join-strings (path-of el) #\/))) (server nil))) #\/))) (def function broker-path-to-broker (root broker) (map-broker-tree root (lambda (path) (when (eq (first path) broker) (return-from broker-path-to-broker (nreverse path)))) :visit-type :path)) (def function total-web-session-count (server) (bind ((sum 0)) (map-broker-tree server (lambda (el) (when (typep el 'application) (incf sum (hash-table-count (session-id->session-of el)))))) sum)) (def function map-broker-tree (root visitor &key (filter (constantly #t)) (visit-type :leaf)) (check-type visit-type (member :path :leaf)) (macrolet ((visit () `(bind ((el (ecase visit-type (:path path) (:leaf (first path))))) (when (funcall filter el) (funcall visitor el)))) (recurse (children) `(map nil (lambda (child) (%recurse (cons child path))) ,children))) (labels ((%recurse (path) (bind ((el (first path))) (etypecase el (broker-based-server (visit) (recurse (brokers-of el))) (delegate-broker (visit) (dolist (child (children-of el)) (recurse child))) (application (visit) (recurse (entry-points-of el))) (broker (visit)) (null nil))))) (%recurse (list root)))) (values)) (def (function i) assert-application-lock-held (application) (assert (is-lock-held? (lock-of application)) () "You must have a lock on the application here")) (def (with-macro* e) with-lock-held-on-application (application) (debug-only* (iter (for (nil session) :in-hashtable (session-id->session-of application)) (assert (not (is-lock-held? (lock-of session))) () "You are trying to lock the application ~A while one of its session ~A is already locked by you (broken ordering can cause deadlocks)" application session))) (with-lock-held-on-thing ('application application) (-with-macro/body-))) (def (constructor o) (application path) #*((:sbcl (setf (sb-thread:mutex-name (lock-of -self-)) (format nil "hu.dwim.web-server application lock for application at ~A" path))))) (def method session-class-of :around ((self application)) (or (call-next-method) (setf (session-class-of self) (aprog1 (make-instance 'standard-class :direct-superclasses (mapcar #'find-class (session-class self)) :name (symbolicate '#:session-class-for/ (class-name (class-of self)) "/" (join-strings (path-of self) #\/))) (app.debug "Instantiated session class ~A for application ~A" it self))))) (def method session-class list ((application application)) 'session) (def method make-new-session ((application application)) (make-instance (session-class-of application) :time-to-live (session-timeout-of application))) (def method make-new-frame ((application application) (session session)) (assert session) (app.debug "Creating new frame for session ~A of app ~A" session application) (assert-session-lock-held session) (make-instance 'frame :time-to-live (frame-timeout-of session))) (def function maybe-invoke-debugger/application (condition &key (context (or (and (boundp '*session*) *session*) (and (boundp '*application*) *application*) (and (boundp '*broker-stack*) (first *broker-stack*))))) (maybe-invoke-debugger condition :context context)) ;;;;;; ;;; application-with-home-package (def (class* e) application-with-home-package (application) ((home-package *package* :type package))) (def method call-in-application-environment :around ((application application-with-home-package) session thunk) (bind ((*package* (home-package-of application))) (call-next-method))) ;;;;;; ;;; application-with-layer (def (class* e) application-with-layer (application) ((layer))) (def method call-in-application-environment :around ((application application-with-layer) session thunk) (funcall-with-layer-context (adjoin-layer (layer-of application) (current-layer-context)) #'call-next-method))