;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.web-server) (def (function o) find-action-from-request (frame) (bind ((action-id (parameter-value +action-id-parameter-name+))) (when action-id (app.debug "Found action-id parameter ~S, looking it up in frame ~A" action-id frame) (bind ((action (gethash action-id (action-id->action-of frame)))) (if action (progn (app.debug "Looked up as valid action ~A" action) (values action action-id)) (values)))))) (def (class* e) action (string-id-for-funcallable-mixin) () (:metaclass funcallable-standard-class)) (def (macro e) make-action (&body body) (with-unique-names (action) `(bind ((,action (make-instance 'action))) (set-funcallable-instance-function ,action (named-lambda action-body () ,@body)) ,action))) ;; don't call these make-foo because that would be misleading. it's not only about making, but also ;; about registering the actions, and the time the registering happens is quite important. leave ;; the make-foo nameing convention for sideffect-free stuff... (def (macro e) action/uri ((&key scheme path application-relative-path delayed-content) &body body) `(register-action/uri (make-action ,@body) :scheme ,scheme :path ,path :application-relative-path ,application-relative-path :delayed-content ,delayed-content)) (def (macro e) action/href ((&key scheme delayed-content) &body body) `(hu.dwim.uri:print-uri-to-string (action/uri (:scheme ,scheme :delayed-content ,delayed-content) ,@body))) (def function register-action (frame action) (assert frame) (assert-session-lock-held (session-of frame)) (bind ((action-id->action (action-id->action-of frame)) (action-id (insert-with-new-random-hash-table-key action-id->action action +action-id-length+))) (setf (id-of action) action-id) (app.dribble "Registered action with id ~S in frame ~A" action-id frame)) action) (def (function e) register-action/uri (action &key scheme path application-relative-path delayed-content) (bind ((uri (clone-request-uri))) (register-action *frame* action) (decorate-uri uri *application*) (decorate-uri uri *session*) (decorate-uri uri *frame*) (decorate-uri uri action) (when scheme (setf (hu.dwim.uri:scheme-of uri) scheme)) (when application-relative-path (when path (error "REGISTER-ACTION/URI was called woth both PATH, and APPLICATION-RELATIVE-PATH arguments at the same time")) (setf (hu.dwim.uri:path-of uri) (path-of *application*)) (hu.dwim.uri:append-path uri application-relative-path)) (when path (setf (hu.dwim.uri:path-of uri) path)) (setf (hu.dwim.uri:query-parameter-value uri +delayed-content-parameter-name+) (if delayed-content "t" nil)) uri)) (def (function e) register-action/href (action &key scheme path application-relative-path delayed-content) (hu.dwim.uri:print-uri-to-string (register-action/uri action :scheme scheme :path path :application-relative-path application-relative-path :delayed-content delayed-content))) (def (generic e) decorate-uri (uri thing) (:method progn (uri thing) ;; nop ) (:method progn (uri (application application)) (unless (hu.dwim.uri:scheme-of uri) (setf (hu.dwim.uri:scheme-of uri) (default-uri-scheme-of application))) (setf (hu.dwim.uri:path-of uri) (path-of application))) (:method progn (uri (frame frame)) (setf (hu.dwim.uri:query-parameter-value uri +frame-id-parameter-name+) (id-of frame)) (setf (hu.dwim.uri:query-parameter-value uri +frame-index-parameter-name+) (frame-index-of frame))) (:method progn (uri (action action)) (setf (hu.dwim.uri:query-parameter-value uri +action-id-parameter-name+) (id-of action)) (setf (hu.dwim.uri:query-parameter-value uri +frame-index-parameter-name+) (next-frame-index-of *frame*))) (:method-combination progn)) (def special-variable *action-js-event-handlers*) (unless (member 'action-js-event-handlers/wrapper *xhtml-body-environment-wrappers*) ;; NOTE: not pushnew, because we need it at the end, so that other wrappers are already in effect before this (appendf *xhtml-body-environment-wrappers* '(action-js-event-handlers/wrapper))) (def function action-js-event-handlers/wrapper (thunk) (bind ((*action-js-event-handlers* '())) (multiple-value-prog1 (funcall thunk) (when *action-js-event-handlers* (labels ((serialize-action-arguments (arguments) (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (macrolet ((with-array-wrapping (&body body) `(progn (write-char #\[) ,@body (write-char #\]))) (write-small-js-boolean (x) `(write-char (if ,x #\1 #\0))) (write-js-string (x &key escape) `(progn (write-char #\') (write-string ,(if escape `(escape-as-js-string ,x) x)) (write-char #\')))) (with-array-wrapping ;; emit the action arguments in the order the js side expects them, and only emit ;; them while they differ from the default value to minimize output. ;; TODO it's time for some macrology here... (iter (for (id href subject-dom-node one-shot event-name ajax stop-event send-client-state sync) :in arguments) (for sync/defaults? = sync) (for send-client-state/defaults? = (and sync/defaults? send-client-state)) (for stop-event/defaults? = (and send-client-state/defaults? stop-event)) (for ajax/defaults? = (and stop-event/defaults? ajax)) (for event-name/defaults? = (and ajax/defaults? (equal event-name "onclick"))) (for one-shot/defaults? = (and event-name/defaults? (not one-shot))) (unless (first-time-p) (write-char #\,)) (with-array-wrapping ;; id (etypecase id (cons (with-array-wrapping (iter (for el :in id) (unless (first-time-p) (write-char #\,)) (write-js-string el)))) (string (write-js-string id))) ;; href (write-char #\,) (write-js-string href :escape #t) ;; subject-dom-node (write-char #\,) (if subject-dom-node (write-js-string subject-dom-node) (write-string "null")) (unless one-shot/defaults? ;; one-shot (write-char #\,) (write-small-js-boolean one-shot) (unless event-name/defaults? ;; event-name (write-char #\,) (write-js-string event-name) ;; ajax (unless ajax/defaults? (write-char #\,) (write-small-js-boolean ajax) (unless stop-event/defaults? ;; stop-event (write-char #\,) (write-small-js-boolean stop-event) (unless send-client-state/defaults? ;; send-client-state (write-char #\,) (write-small-js-boolean send-client-state) (unless sync/defaults? ;; sync (write-char #\,) (write-small-js-boolean sync)))))))))))))) (bind ((serialized-arguments (serialize-action-arguments (nreverse *action-js-event-handlers*)))) ;; keep it a simple `js not `js-onload so that we don't 'pollute' that array with another huge one `js(on-load (hdws.io.connect-action-event-handlers ,(make-string-quasi-quote nil serialized-arguments))))))))) (def function render-action-js-event-handler (event-name id action &key action-arguments js subject-dom-node (ajax (typep action 'action)) (stop-event #t) (send-client-state #t) (one-shot #f) (sync #t)) "SUBJECT-DOM-NODE is used as a hint for the ajax progress indication." (check-type ajax boolean) (check-type subject-dom-node (or null string)) (assert (or action js) () "~S needs either an action or a custom js" 'render-action-js-event-handler) ;; TODO FIXME there used to be a (when (dojo.byId ,id) ...) wrapping around the hdws.io.action call with the following comment: ;; KLUDGE: this condition prevents firing obsolete actions, they are not necessarily ;; removed by destroy when simply replaced by some other content, this may leak memory on the cleint side ;; in the refactor it was deleted due to some headaches... reinstate if neccessary. (flet ((make-constant-form (value) (check-type value string) (make-instance 'hu.dwim.walker:constant-form :value value))) (bind ((href (etypecase action (null nil) (action (apply 'register-action/href action action-arguments)) (hu.dwim.uri:uri (hu.dwim.uri:print-uri-to-string action))))) ;; TODO the branches of this if should either be in two separate functions, or an assert should be added for ignored &key arguments in the true branch (ajax, send-client-state, subject-dom-node, sync) (if js `js-onload(hdws.io.connect-action-event-handler ,(etypecase id (cons (make-array-form (mapcar #'make-constant-form id))) (string id)) ,event-name (lambda (event connection) ,(apply js (when href (list href)))) :one-shot ,one-shot :stop-event ,stop-event) ;; we delay rendering standard event handlers and send them down in one go as a big array which is processed by the client js code. (progn (push (list id href subject-dom-node one-shot event-name ajax stop-event send-client-state sync) *action-js-event-handlers*) ;; we need to keep qq contract here regarding the return value... (values)))))) ;; TODO this is broken (def (macro e) js-to-lisp-rpc (&environment env &body body) (bind ((walked-body (hu.dwim.walker:walk-form `(progn ,@body) :environment (hu.dwim.walker:make-walk-environment env))) (free-variable-references (hu.dwim.walker:collect-variable-references walked-body :type 'hu.dwim.walker:free-variable-reference-form)) (variable-names (remove-duplicates (mapcar [hu.dwim.walker:name-of !1] free-variable-references))) (query-parameters (mapcar [unique-js-name (string-downcase !1)] variable-names))) ` `js-inline(hdws.io.xhr-post ;; TODO follow keywordification of xhr-post (create :content (create ,@(list ,@(iter (for variable-name :in variable-names) (for query-parameter :in query-parameters) (collect `(quote ,query-parameter)) (collect `js-inline(.toString ,variable-name))))) :url ,(action/href (:delayed-content #t) (with-request-parameters ,(mapcar [list !1 !2] variable-names query-parameters) ,@body)) :load (lambda (response args) ;; TODO process the return value, possible ajax replacements, etc )))))