;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.walker) ;;;;;; ;;; lisp forms -> AST (def (layered-function e) walk-form (form &key parent environment) (:documentation "Entry point to initiate code walking of FORM using ENVIRONMENT. Returns a CLOS based AST that represents FORM.") (:method ((form cons) &key parent environment) (declare (notinline walk-form/compound)) (walk-form/compound (car form) form parent environment))) (def (layered-function e) walk-form/compound (name form parent environment) (:documentation "Dispatches to a form-specific walker using the first symbol as operator name.") (:method ((name t) form parent environment) (declare (notinline walk-form/application)) (bind (((operator &rest arguments) form)) (when (member operator '( ;; as copied from CLHS Special Forms block let* return-from catch load-time-value setq eval-when locally symbol-macrolet flet macrolet tagbody function multiple-value-call the go multiple-value-prog1 throw if progn unwind-protect labels progv let quote ;; some local extensions declare)) (error "No walker for the special operator ~S defined." operator)) (walk-form/application form parent operator arguments environment)))) (def (layered-function e) walk-form/application (form parent operator arguments env)) (def (layered-function e) walk-form/lambda (form parent env)) (def (layered-function e) walk-form/lambda-like (ast-node args body env &key docstring-allowed declarations-allowed whole)) ;;;;;; ;;; AST -> lisp forms (def (layered-function e) unwalk-form (form) (:documentation "Unwalk FORM and return a list representation.")) (def (function e) unwalk-forms (forms) (mapcar #'unwalk-form forms)) ;;;;;; ;;; customizing the walker (def layered-function define-macro (defmacro-form) (:method (defmacro-form) (cerror "Ignore and continue" "Encountered a toplevel macro definition. It is not recorded by default, see ~S for details." 'define-macro))) (def layered-function function-name? (name)) (def layered-function macro-name? (name &optional env)) (def layered-function symbol-macro-name? (name &optional env)) (def layered-function constant-name? (form &optional env)) (def layered-function lambda-form? (form &optional env)) (def layered-function walker-macroexpand-1 (form &optional env)) (def layered-function coerce-to-form (form) (:method (form) form)) ;;;;;; ;;; customize warnings (def (layer e) ignore-undefined-references () ()) (def layered-function handle-undefined-reference (type name &key &allow-other-keys) (:method (type name &key &allow-other-keys) (ecase type (:function (warn 'undefined-function-reference :name name)) (:variable (warn 'undefined-variable-reference :name name)))) (:method :in ignore-undefined-references :around (type name &key &allow-other-keys) ;; well, we ignore them in this layer... ))