;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.util) (def (function e) start-swank-server (port &key (bind-address "")) (format *debug-io* "Starting Swank server on address ~A, port ~A...~%" bind-address port) (bind (((:values started? error) (ignore-errors (with-simple-restart (continue "Ok, go on without a Swank server") (let ((swank::*loopback-interface* bind-address)) (swank:create-server :port port :style :spawn :dont-close #t))) #t))) (if started? (format *debug-io* "Swank server has been started~%") (warn "Swank server failed to start due to: ~A" error)))) (def function invoke-slime-debugger (condition &key (otherwise nil)) (if (or swank::*emacs-connection* (swank::default-connection)) ;; tell the debugger to hide the upcoming (uninteresting) frames... (bind (#+sbcl(sb-debug:*stack-top-hint* (sb-di:top-frame))) (swank:swank-debugger-hook condition nil)) (handle-otherwise/value otherwise :default-message "Unable to invoke Slime debugger"))) (unless (fboundp 'collect-backtrace) (def function collect-backtrace (&key (start 4) (count 500) &allow-other-keys) (bind ((swank::*buffer-package* *package*)) (swank-backend:call-with-debugging-environment (lambda () (iter (for (index description) :in (swank:backtrace start (+ start count))) (collect (format nil "~3,'0D: ~A" index description))))))))