;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.util) (def special-variable *developer-machine-names* '("ed101" "aquaduct" "tsunami" "nietzsche-ubuntu" "tyrion" "mnorbi-laptop" "tomi137" "think" "ojjektum")) (def (function e) running-on-developer-machine? () (member (machine-instance) *developer-machine-names* :test #'string=)) ;;;;;; ;;; some utils (def (function e) ensure-default-external-format-is-utf-8 () #+sbcl (unless (eq (sb-impl::default-external-format) :utf-8) (cerror "Ignore" "The default external format is ~S, but UTF-8 is strongly advised! Check your $LANG env variable..." (sb-impl::default-external-format)))) (def (function e) load-and-eval-config-file (system-name) (bind ((pathname (merge-pathnames (string+ (string-downcase system-name) ".lisp") "config/")) (config-file-name (system-relative-pathname system-name pathname))) (if (cl-fad:file-exists-p config-file-name) (with-local-readtable (bind ((*package* (find-package :hu.dwim.common))) ;; load using the special in-package symbol that sets up the readtable based on what the package says (load config-file-name)) config-file-name) nil))) (def (with-macro* e) with-pid-file (pathname) (check-type pathname (or pathname string)) (bind ((pid-file-has-been-created? #f)) (unwind-protect (progn (when (cl-fad:file-exists-p pathname) (bind ((other-pid (parse-integer (read-file-into-string pathname)))) (if (posix-process-exists? other-pid) (error "PID file ~S already exists and points to a running process ~S" pathname other-pid) (progn (format *debug-io* "Deleting stale PID file ~S pointing to non-existent PID ~S~%" pathname other-pid) (delete-file pathname))))) (bind ((pid (isys:getpid))) (format *debug-io* "Writing PID file ~S, PID is ~S~%" pathname pid) (ensure-directories-exist pathname) (with-open-file (pid-stream pathname :direction :output :element-type 'character :if-exists :error) (princ pid pid-stream)) (setf pid-file-has-been-created? #t) (-with-macro/body-))) (when pid-file-has-been-created? (unless (ignore-errors (delete-file pathname) #t) (print-error-safely "Failed to remove pid file ~S~%" pathname)))))) (def (with-macro* e) with-temporary-directory (&key (cleanup #t)) (when cleanup (cleanup-temporary-directories)) (directory-for-temporary-files) (multiple-value-prog1 (-with-macro/body-) (delete-directory-for-temporary-files))) (def (with-macro e) with-save-core-and-die-restart () (restart-case (-body-) #+sbcl (save-core-and-die () :report "Save image to /tmp/sbcl.core and die" (mapcar (lambda (thread) (unless (eq thread sb-thread:*current-thread*) (sb-thread:terminate-thread thread))) (sb-thread:list-all-threads)) (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "/tmp/sbcl.core")))) (def (with-macro e) with-standard-toplevel-restarts () (restart-case (with-save-core-and-die-restart (-body-)) (abort nil :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "Give up starting the image and quit the VM process with exit code 2")) (quit 2)))) ;;;;;; ;;; database integration (def class* perec-on-postgresql (hu.dwim.perec:database-mixin hu.dwim.rdbms.postgresql:postgresql) ()) ;;;;;; ;;; starting up (def (constant e) +generic-command-line-options+ '((("verbose" #\Space) :type boolean :optional #t :documentation "Try to provide more information about what's happening.") (("http-server-port" #\Space) :type integer :initial-value #.hu.dwim.web-server::+default-http-server-port+ :documentation "The HTTP port where the server will be listening for incoming requests") (("pid-file" #\Space) :type string :documentation "The PID file is created when the server starts. The file will be deleted when the server stops.") (("swank-port" #\Space) :type integer :initial-value 4005 :documentation "The port is used to connect to the running server with SLIME.") (("disable-debugger" #\Space) :type boolean :optional #t :documentation "Disable the debugger, so that in case of unhandled toplevel errors the process quits. True by default unless in --repl mode.") (("repl" #\Space) :type boolean :optional #t :documentation "If provided then instead of starting the server only a REPL will be started. This might be useful for mainenance, testing and bug fixing.") (("test-mode" #\Space) :type boolean :optional #t :documentation "If provided then the server starts up in test mode. This allows to login with the same password for any subject.") (("export-model" #\Space) :type boolean :optional #f :documentation "When started in REPL mode, skip exporting the model into the RDBMS"))) (def hu.dwim.logger:logger production ()) (def (function e) run-production-server (command-line-arguments project-system-name hdws-server hdws-application &key (database 'perec-on-postgresql)) (labels ((console (format &rest args) (apply 'hu.dwim.logger:log-to-console format args)) (ready-to-quit? (hdws-server) (not (or (hu.dwim.web-server:is-server-running? hdws-server) #+nil (is-persistent-process-scheduler-running?) #+nil (hu.dwim.model:is-cluster-node-running?)))) ;; KLUDGE this is fragile, and the whole thing is much more complicated... (process-http-server-port-command-line-argument (arguments server) (when-bind http-server-port (getf arguments :http-server-port) (setf (hu.dwim.uri:port-of (find hu.dwim.web-server::+default-http-server-port+ (hu.dwim.web-server::listen-entries-of server) :key #'hu.dwim.web-server::port-of)) http-server-port)))) (console "~A: Starting up server, PID is ~S" (local-time:now) (isys:getpid)) (process-http-server-port-command-line-argument command-line-arguments hdws-server) (hu.dwim.logger:setup-logging-for-production (string+ "/var/log/" (string-downcase project-system-name) "/")) (production.info "~S speaking, starting up in production mode ~S" 'run-production-server project-system-name) (bind ((project-system (asdf:find-system project-system-name)) (project-package (find-package (system-package-name project-system))) (database (if (typep database 'hu.dwim.rdbms:database) database (aprog1 (make-instance database) (check-type it hu.dwim.rdbms:database) (assert (null (hu.dwim.web-server::database-of hdws-application)) () "You gave only a database type (as opposed to an instance) to ~S, but the provided web-application instance already holds a database!" 'run-production-server) (setf (hu.dwim.web-server::database-of hdws-application) it))))) (unless (member (hu.dwim.web-server::database-of hdws-application) (list nil database)) (error "The database given to ~S and stored in the slot of the web-application instance is inconsistent!" 'run-production-server)) (check-type project-package package) (setf *package* project-package) (production.debug "*package* was set ~A" *package*) (setf *random-state* (make-random-state t)) (ensure-default-external-format-is-utf-8) ;; TODO what about *terminal-io*? maybe: (setf *terminal-io* *standard-output*) ;; TODO: factor out the database arguments into rdbms (bind (((&key database-host database-port database-name database-user-name database-password pid-file test-mode swank-port repl verbose (disable-debugger #t disable-debugger-provided?) (export-model #t) &allow-other-keys) command-line-arguments) (connection-specification `(:host ,database-host :port ,database-port :database ,database-name :user-name ,database-user-name :password ,database-password)) (loggable-connection-specification (remove-from-plist connection-specification :password))) (start-swank-server swank-port) (when (and disable-debugger (or (not repl) disable-debugger-provided?)) (disable-debugger)) (when verbose (bind ((root-logger (hu.dwim.logger:find-logger 'hu.dwim.logger:root-logger))) (appendf (hu.dwim.logger::appenders-of root-logger) (list (hu.dwim.logger:make-thread-safe-stream-appender '*standard-output*))) (setf (hu.dwim.logger:log-level/runtime root-logger) hu.dwim.logger:+debug+) (production.debug "Set loggers to be verbose as requested by --verbose"))) (when (and (not export-model) (not repl)) (cerror "Start in repl mode" "Skipping ~S is only allowed in REPL mode" 'export-persistent-classes-to-database-schema) (setf repl #t)) (production.info "Using database connection specification ~S with database ~A" loggable-connection-specification database) (unless (and database-host database-port database-name database-user-name database-password) (warn "Database connection specification is not fully provided, which will most probably lead to an error (password omitted from logs): ~S" loggable-connection-specification)) (setf (hu.dwim.rdbms::connection-specification-of database) connection-specification) (awhen test-mode (production.info "Enabling test mode") (setf (hu.dwim.web-server:running-in-test-mode? hdws-application) #t) (unless (search "-test" database-name) (cerror "Continue" "Do you really want to start up in test mode with a database name that does not contain \"-test\"? (~S)." database-name))) (when export-model (production.info "Calling EXPORT-PERSISTENT-CLASSES-TO-DATABASE-SCHEMA with database ~A, connection-specification ~A" database loggable-connection-specification) (hu.dwim.rdbms:with-database database (hu.dwim.perec:with-new-compiled-query-cache (hu.dwim.rdbms:with-transaction (hu.dwim.perec:export-persistent-classes-to-database-schema))))) (awhen (load-and-eval-config-file project-system-name) (production.info "Loaded config file ~A" it)) (if repl (sb-impl::toplevel-repl nil) (with-layered-error-handlers ((lambda (error) (print-error-safely (build-error-log-message :error-condition error :message "Error reached toplevel in the main thread")) (unless disable-debugger (invoke-debugger error))) (lambda (&key &allow-other-keys) (print-error-safely "Calling QUIT from toplevel error handler") (quit 3))) (with-temporary-directory () (flet ((startup-signal-handler (signal code scp) (declare (ignore signal code scp)) (console "SIGTERM/SIGINT was received while starting up; exiting recklessly") (quit 2))) #*((:sbcl (sb-sys:enable-interrupt sb-unix:sigterm #'startup-signal-handler) (sb-sys:enable-interrupt sb-unix:sigint #'startup-signal-handler) (console "Temporary startup signal handlers are installed")) (t (warn "No support for installing signal handlers on your implementation, stale PID files may remain")))) (surround-body-when pid-file (with-pid-file (pid-file) (-body-)) (handler-bind ((hu.dwim.rdbms:unconfirmed-schema-change ;; NOTE: this handler is not bound in the started worker threads but EXPORT-PERSISTENT-CLASSES-TO-DATABASE-SCHEMA is explicitly called at startup, so this is not a problem. (lambda (error) (print-error-safely "Exiting because something was tried to be altered in the RDBMS schema at unattended startup: ~A" error)))) #+nil (with-new-compiled-query-cache (hu.dwim.model:startup-cluster-node cluster-name hdws-server)) (hu.dwim.web-server:startup-server hdws-server) ;; TODO: put the timer stuff in hu.dwim.web-server and remove dependency (bind ((timer (hu.dwim.web-server::timer-of hdws-server))) (flet ((%register-timer-entry (name time-interval thunk) (hu.dwim.web-server:register-timer-entry timer thunk :interval time-interval :name name)) (console-status-printer () (console "~A: Another heartbeat at request number ~A, used memory ~,2F MiB, application session count ~A" (local-time:now) (when hdws-server (hu.dwim.web-server:processed-request-counter-of hdws-server)) (/ (sb-kernel::dynamic-usage) 1024 1024) (when hdws-server (mapcar (compose 'hash-table-count 'hu.dwim.web-server:session-id->session-of) (collect-if (of-type 'hu.dwim.web-server:application) (hu.dwim.web-server:brokers-of hdws-server)))))) (session-purge () (hu.dwim.rdbms:with-database database (hu.dwim.perec:with-new-compiled-query-cache (hu.dwim.rdbms:with-transaction (hu.dwim.web-server:purge-sessions hdws-application))))) (quit-request-checker () (when (ready-to-quit? hdws-server) (hu.dwim.web-server:drive-timer/abort timer)))) (%register-timer-entry "Console status printer" (* 60 10) #'console-status-printer) (%register-timer-entry "Session purge" 60 #'session-purge) (%register-timer-entry "Quit request checker" 5 #'quit-request-checker) (%register-timer-entry "Log flusher" 5 'hu.dwim.logger:flush-caching-appenders) #+nil (%register-timer-entry "Status logger" 5 ;; TODO log some useful info like the number of web sessions, etc... ) (flet ((running-signal-handler (signal code scp) (declare (ignore signal code scp)) (production.info "SIGTERM/SIGINT was received, initiating shutdown") (console "~%SIGTERM/SIGINT was received, initiating shutdown") (hu.dwim.web-server:drive-timer/abort timer))) (sb-sys:enable-interrupt sb-unix:sigterm #'running-signal-handler) (sb-sys:enable-interrupt sb-unix:sigint #'running-signal-handler))) (production.info "Final signal handlers are installed, everything's started normally. Calling into DRIVE-TIMER now...") (console "~A: Everything's started normally" (local-time:now)) (hu.dwim.web-server::drive-timer timer)) ;; (hu.dwim.model:shutdown-cluster-node) (hu.dwim.web-server:shutdown-server hdws-server) (iter (until (ready-to-quit? hdws-server)) (production.debug "Still not ready to quit, waiting...") (sleep 1)) (hu.dwim.logger:flush-caching-appenders)))) (production.info "Everything's down, exiting normally") (console "~A: Everything's down, exiting normally" (local-time:now))))))))