;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2006 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.rdbms) ;;;;;; ;;; Create, drop and alter table primitives (they don't signal for schema change) ;; TODO reorganize to have the primitives first, and the signalling schema laters at the end separated ;; TODO drop constraint-to-action ? (def (function e) create-table (name columns &key temporary) (execute-ddl (make-instance 'sql-create-table :temporary temporary :name name :columns columns))) (def (function e) create-temporary-table (name &rest columns) (execute-ddl (make-instance 'sql-create-table :name name :temporary :drop :columns columns))) (def (function e) drop-table (name &key cascade) (execute-ddl (make-instance 'sql-drop-table :name name :cascade cascade))) (def (function e) alter-table (name &rest actions) (execute-ddl (make-instance 'sql-alter-table :name name :actions actions))) (def (function e) add-column (name column) (execute-ddl (make-instance 'sql-alter-table :name name :actions (list (make-instance 'sql-add-column-action :name (name-of column) :type (type-of column)))))) (def (function e) drop-column (name column-name &optional (cascade #f)) (execute-ddl (make-instance 'sql-alter-table :name name :actions (list (make-instance 'sql-drop-column-action :name column-name :cascade cascade))))) (def (function e) alter-column-type (name column) (execute-ddl (make-instance 'sql-alter-table :name name :actions (list (make-instance 'sql-alter-column-type-action :name (name-of column) :type (type-of column)))))) (def (function e) add-primary-key-constraint (name columns) (execute-ddl (make-instance 'sql-alter-table :name name :actions (list (make-instance 'sql-add-primary-key-constraint-action :columns columns))))) (def (function e) add-foreign-key-constraint (name add-constraint) (execute-ddl (make-instance 'sql-alter-table :name name :actions (list add-constraint)))) ;;;;;; ;;; Query tables and columns (def (function e) list-tables () (database-list-tables *database*)) (def generic database-list-tables (database) (:documentation "Returns the list of table names present in the database.")) (def (function e) list-table-columns (name) (database-list-table-columns name *database*)) (def generic database-list-table-columns (name database) (:documentation "Returns the list of columns present in the database.")) (def (function e) table-exists-p (name) (not (null (member (string-downcase name) (list-tables) :test 'equalp)))) ;;;;;; ;;; Update table (def (function e) continue-with-schema-change (&optional condition) (invoke-restart (find-restart 'continue-with-schema-change condition))) (def (with-macro e) with-confirmed-destructive-schema-changes () (handler-bind ((unconfirmed-destructive-schema-change 'continue-with-schema-change)) (-body-))) (def (function e) update-table (name columns) (tagbody :retry (if (table-exists-p name) (restart-case (update-existing-table name columns) (drop-table () :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "DESTRUCTIVE: Drop table ~S and try operation ~S again" name 'update-table)) (drop-table name :cascade #t) (go :retry))) (progn (when *signal-non-destructive-alter-table-commands* (with-simple-restart (continue-with-schema-change "Create the table ~S" name) (error 'unconfirmed-schema-change/create-table :table-name name))) (create-table name columns))))) (def generic rdbms-type-for (type database) (:documentation "Maps the given type to the smallest matching type.") (:method (type database) type)) (def generic equal-type-p (type-1 type-2 database) (:method (type-1 type-2 database) #f)) (defun collect-column-foreign-keys (columns) (iter outer (for column in columns) (iter (for constraint in (constraints-of column)) ;; FIXME a style-warning because SQL-FOREIGN-KEY-CONSTRAINT is defined in something we are a dependency of (when (typep constraint 'sql-foreign-key-constraint) (in outer (collect constraint)))))) (def function update-existing-table (table-name columns) (let ((table-columns (list-table-columns table-name))) ;; create new columns that are missing from the table (dolist (column columns) (bind ((column-name (name-of column)) (table-column (find (string-downcase column-name) table-columns :key #'name-of :test #'equalp))) (if table-column ;; change column type where needed (let ((new-rdbms-type (rdbms-type-for (type-of column) *database*))) (unless (equal-type-p (type-of table-column) new-rdbms-type *database*) (restart-case ;; open a nested RESTART-CASE so that the outer DROP-COLUMN restart is available in case an error comes from the alter table statement (restart-case (error 'unconfirmed-destructive-schema-change/alter-column-type :table-name table-name :column-name column-name :old-type (type-of table-column) :new-type (type-of column) :new-rdbms-type new-rdbms-type) (continue-with-schema-change () :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "DESTRUCTIVE: Alter the table ~S by updating the column ~S from the current rdbms type ~A to new rdbms type ~A (derived from ~A)" table-name column-name (type-of table-column) new-rdbms-type (type-of column))) (with-transaction (alter-column-type table-name column)))) (drop-column () :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "DESTRUCTIVE: Drop column ~S in table ~S (type ~A) and try adding it brand the new with type ~A" column-name table-name (type-of table-column) (type-of column))) (with-transaction (drop-column table-name column-name #t) (add-column table-name column)))))) ;; add missing columns not present in the table (progn (when *signal-non-destructive-alter-table-commands* (with-simple-restart (continue-with-schema-change "Alter the table ~S by adding the new column ~S" table-name column-name) (error 'unconfirmed-schema-change/add-column :table-name table-name :column-name column-name :column-type (type-of column)))) (add-column table-name column))))) ;; drop extra columns that are present in the table (dolist (table-column table-columns) (let ((column-name (name-of table-column))) (unless (find column-name columns :key (compose #'string-downcase #'name-of) :test #'equalp) (with-simple-restart (continue-with-schema-change "DESTRUCTIVE: Drop column ~S in table ~S" column-name table-name) (error 'unconfirmed-destructive-schema-change/drop-column :table-name table-name :column-name column-name)) (drop-column table-name column-name #t))))) (update-existing-table-foreign-keys table-name columns)) (defun fkey-actions-same-p (descriptor constraint) (and (eq (update-rule-of descriptor) (update-rule-of constraint)) (eq (delete-rule-of descriptor) (delete-rule-of constraint)))) (defun update-existing-table-foreign-keys (table-name columns) (bind ((table-fkeys (list-table-foreign-keys table-name)) (add-actions (mapcar (lambda (c) (constraint-to-action c table-name)) (collect-column-foreign-keys columns)))) (dolist (existing table-fkeys) (unless (find (name-of existing) add-actions :key #'name-of :test #'string=) (with-simple-restart (skip "Skip changing this foreign key") (when *signal-non-destructive-alter-table-commands* (with-simple-restart (continue-with-schema-change "Alter the table ~S by dropping the foreign key ~S" table-name (name-of existing)) (error 'unconfirmed-schema-change/drop-foreign-key :table-name table-name :column-name (source-column-of existing) :constraint-name (name-of existing)))) (drop-foreign-key existing)))) (dolist (existing table-fkeys) (let ((match (find (name-of existing) add-actions :key #'name-of :test #'string=))) (when (and match (not (fkey-actions-same-p existing match))) (with-simple-restart (skip "Skip changing this foreign key") (when *signal-non-destructive-alter-table-commands* (with-simple-restart (continue-with-schema-change "Alter the table ~S by replacing the foreign key ~S" table-name (name-of existing)) (error 'unconfirmed-schema-change/replace-foreign-key :table-name table-name :column-name (source-column-of existing) :constraint-name (name-of existing)))) (drop-foreign-key existing) (add-foreign-key-constraint table-name match))))) (dolist (action add-actions) (unless (find (name-of action) table-fkeys :key #'name-of :test #'string=) (with-simple-restart (skip "Skip changing this foreign key") (when *signal-non-destructive-alter-table-commands* (with-simple-restart (continue-with-schema-change "Alter the table ~S by adding the foreign key ~S" table-name (name-of action)) (error 'unconfirmed-schema-change/add-foreign-key :table-name table-name :column-name (car (source-columns-of action)) :constraint-name (name-of action)))) (add-foreign-key-constraint table-name action)))))) ;;;;;; ;;; Create, drop view (def (function e) create-view (name columns as &key replace) (execute-ddl (make-instance 'sql-create-view :name name :columns columns :as as :replace replace))) (def (function e) drop-view (name &key ignore-missing) (execute-ddl (make-instance 'sql-drop-view :name name :ignore-missing ignore-missing))) (def (function e) view-exists-p (name) (not (null (member (string-downcase name) (list-views) :test 'equalp)))) (def (function e) update-view (name column as) (drop-view name :ignore-missing #t) (create-view name column as)) (def (function e) list-views () (database-list-views *database*)) (def (function e) list-dependent-views (table column) (database-list-dependent-views table column *database*)) (def generic database-list-views (database) (:documentation "Returns the list of view names present in the database.")) (def generic database-list-dependent-views (table column database) (:documentation "Returns the list of view names that depends on the specified column.")) (def (function e) list-view-definitions () (database-list-view-definitions *database*)) (def (function e) view-definition (name) (database-view-definition name *database*)) (def (generic e) database-list-view-definitions (database) (:documentation "Returns the list of view names and definitions present in the database.")) (def (generic e) database-view-definition (view-name database) (:documentation "Returns the view's definition present in the database.")) ;;;;;; ;;; Create, drop sequence (def (function e) create-sequence (name) (execute-ddl (make-instance 'sql-create-sequence :name name))) (def (function e) drop-sequence (name) (execute-ddl (make-instance 'sql-drop-sequence :name name))) (def (function e) sequence-exists-p (name) (not (null (member (string-downcase name) (list-sequences) :test 'equalp)))) (def (function e) list-sequences () (database-list-sequences *database*)) (def generic database-list-sequences (database) (:documentation "Returns the list of sequence names present in the database.")) (def (function e) sequence-next (name) (first-elt (first-elt (execute (make-instance 'sql-select :columns (list (make-instance 'sql-sequence-nextval-column :name name))))))) (def (function e) sequence-current (name) (first-elt (first-elt (execute (make-instance 'sql-select :columns (list (make-instance 'sql-sequence-currval-column :name name))))))) (def (function e) set-sequence-value (name value &optional (currentp t)) (first-elt (first-elt (execute (make-instance 'sql-select :columns (list (make-instance 'sql-sequence-setval :name name :value value :currentp currentp))))))) ;;;;;; ;;; Create, drop index (def (function e) create-index (name table-name columns &key (unique #f)) (execute-ddl (make-instance 'sql-create-index :name name :table-name table-name :columns columns :unique unique))) (def (function e) drop-index (name &key ignore-missing) (execute-ddl (make-instance 'sql-drop-index :name name :ignore-missing ignore-missing))) (def (function e) update-index (name table-name columns &key (unique #f)) "Drops and recreates the given index if the arguments columns or unique differ from the existing columns/uniqueness; the rationale is to avoid re-indexing a possibly large table, if nothing has changed." (unless (find name (list-table-indices table-name) :test (lambda (index-name o2) (let ((c (mapcar (lambda (column) (let ((column-name (etypecase column (sql-column (name-of column)) ((or symbol string) column)))) (string-downcase column-name))) columns))) (and (equalp (string-downcase index-name) (string-downcase (name-of o2))) (equal c (mapcar #'string-downcase (columns-of o2))) (eq unique (unique-p o2)))))) (drop-index name :ignore-missing #t) (create-index name table-name columns :unique unique))) (def (function e) list-table-indices (name) (database-list-table-indices name *database*)) (def generic database-list-table-indices (name database) (:documentation "Returns the list of table indices present in the database.")) (def (function e) list-index-columns (name) (database-list-index-columns name *database*)) (def generic database-list-index-columns (name database) (:documentation "Returns the list of the columns of the table index NAME.")) (def (function e) list-table-primary-constraints (name) (database-list-table-primary-constraints name *database*)) (def generic database-list-table-primary-constraints (name database)) (def class* foreign-key-descriptor () ((name) (source-table) (source-column) (target-table) (target-column) (update-rule) (delete-rule))) (def print-object foreign-key-descriptor (format t "~_CONSTRAINT ~A~_FOREIGN KEY ~A ~A" (name-of -self-) (source-table-of -self-) (list (source-column-of -self-))) (format t " ~_REFERENCES ~A ~A" (target-table-of -self-) (list (target-column-of -self-))) (format t " ~_ON DELETE ~S ~_ON UPDATE ~S" (delete-rule-of -self-) (update-rule-of -self-))) (def (function e) list-table-foreign-keys (name) (database-list-table-foreign-keys name *database*)) (def generic database-list-table-foreign-keys (name database)) (defun drop-table-foreign-keys (table) (mapc #'drop-foreign-key (list-table-foreign-keys table)))