;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2006 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.rdbms.test) (def function find-database-class (name) (if (eq name t) (find-class 'database) (bind ((package (find-package (string+ "HU.DWIM.RDBMS." (string-upcase name))))) (when package (bind ((class-name (find-symbol (string-upcase name) package))) (find-class class-name)))))) (def definer syntax-test (name database args &body body) `(def test ,name ,args (with-database (closer-mop:class-prototype (find-database-class ',database)) ,@body))) (def definer dialect-test (name kind &body body) `(def test ,name () ,@(iter (for (sql string-or-case-bodies) :on body :by #'cddr) (collect `(is (equalp ,(ecase kind (:sexp `(format-sql-to-string (compile-sexp-sql ,sql))) (:ast `(format-sql-to-string ,sql)) (:reader (once-only (sql) `(etypecase ,sql (string ,sql) (function (funcall ,sql)))))) ,(if (stringp string-or-case-bodies) string-or-case-bodies `(cond ,@(iter (for case-body :in string-or-case-bodies) (collect `((typep *database* (find-database-class ',(first case-body))) ,@(rest case-body)))))))))))) (def definer sexp-sql-dialect-test (name &body body) `(def dialect-test ,name :sexp ,@body)) (def definer ast-dialect-test (name &body body) `(def dialect-test ,name :ast ,@body)) (def definer reader-dialect-test (name &body body) `(def dialect-test ,name :reader ,@body)) (def suite* (test/syntax :in test/backend)) (def sexp-sql-dialect-test test/syntax/sexp-dialect '(select "bar" table) ((oracle "SELECT \"bar\" FROM \"table\"") (t "SELECT bar FROM table")) '(select (count *) _table) ((oracle "SELECT count(*) FROM \"_table\"") (t "SELECT count(*) FROM _table")) '(select ((foo.col1 "col1_alias") "bar") table) ((oracle "SELECT \"foo\".\"col1\" AS \"col1_alias\", \"bar\" FROM \"table\"") (t "SELECT foo.col1 AS col1_alias, bar FROM table")) `(select (foo.column "bar") ,(list (sql-table-alias :name "test_table" :alias "test_table_alias"))) ((oracle "SELECT \"foo\".\"column\", \"bar\" FROM \"test_table\" \"test_table_alias\"") (t "SELECT foo.column, bar FROM test_table test_table_alias")) '(create table (:temporary :drop) test_table ((col1 varchar) ("col2" (integer 32)))) ((oracle "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE \"test_table\" (\"col1\" VARCHAR2, \"col2\" NUMBER(10,0)) ON COMMIT DROP") (postgresql "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE test_table (col1 CHARACTER VARYING, col2 INT) ON COMMIT DROP") (sqlite "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test_table (col1 CHARACTER VARYING, col2 INTEGER) ON COMMIT DROP")) '(create table (:temporary :delete-rows) test_table (("col2" (integer 32)))) ((oracle "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE \"test_table\" (\"col2\" NUMBER(10,0)) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS") (postgresql "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE test_table (col2 INT) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS") (sqlite "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test_table (col2 INTEGER) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS"))) (def reader-dialect-test test/syntax/sql-reader [select "bar" table] ((oracle "SELECT \"bar\" FROM \"table\"") (t "SELECT bar FROM table")) (bind ((column-1 (sql-column-alias :table t :column 'col1 :alias "foo")) (column-2 (sql-column-alias :table t :column 'col2 :alias "bar"))) [select (,column-1 ,column-2) table]) ((oracle "SELECT \"t\".\"col1\" AS \"foo\", \"t\".\"col2\" AS \"bar\" FROM \"table\"") (t "SELECT t.col1 AS foo, t.col2 AS bar FROM table")) (bind ((columns (list (sql-column :name 'col1 :type (sql-integer-type)) (sql-column :name 'col2 :type (sql-character-varying-type)) (sql-identifier :name 'col3) (sql-identifier :name 'col4)))) [insert t ,columns (42 ,(sql-literal :value (string-upcase "some random text") :type (sql-character-varying-type)) ,(sql-binding-variable :name 'dynamic-binding :type (sql-character-varying-type)))]) ((oracle "INSERT INTO \"t\" (\"col1\", \"col2\", \"col3\", \"col4\") VALUES (42, :1, :2)") ;; TODO THL and the type spec ars? (sqlite "INSERT INTO t (col1, col2, col3, col4) VALUES (42, :1, :2)") (postgresql "INSERT INTO t (col1, col2, col3, col4) VALUES (42, $1::CHARACTER VARYING, $2::CHARACTER VARYING)"))) ;; TODO THL this test must be independent of what backend i'm using right now (def syntax-test test/syntax/expand-sql-ast/unquote/1 postgresql (&optional (n 3)) ;; "SELECT a, b FROM t WHERE (t.b OR t.b OR t.b)" (bind ((expected (format nil "SELECT a, b FROM t WHERE (~A)" (apply 'string+ (iter (for i :from 1 :to n) (unless (first-iteration-p) (collect " OR ")) (collect "t.b")))))) ;; advanced use of the reader: the criteria is generated into a variable. ;; which means that it could even be the input of this function. (bind ((criteria [or ,@(iter (repeat (1- n)) (collect (sql-column-alias :table 't :column 'b))) ,(sql-column-alias :table 't :column 'b)])) (is (string= expected (funcall [select (a b) t ,criteria])))) ;; building the AST by hand (bind ((criteria (sql-unquote :form `(apply 'sql-or (iter (repeat ,n) (collect ,(sql-column-alias :table 't :column 'b))))))) (is (string= expected (funcall (compile nil (expand-sql-ast-into-lambda-form-cached (sql-select :columns '(a b) :tables '(t) :where criteria))))))))) ;; TODO THL this test must be independent of what backend i'm using right now (def syntax-test test/syntax/expand-sql-ast/unquote/2 postgresql (&optional (n 3)) ;; "SELECT a, b FROM t WHERE ((a = (b + $1::NUMERIC + 1)) OR (a = (b + $2::NUMERIC + 2)) OR (a = (b + $3::NUMERIC + 3)))" (bind ((expected (format nil "SELECT a, b FROM t WHERE (~A)" (apply 'string+ (iter (for i :from 1 :to n) (unless (first-iteration-p) (collect " OR ")) (collect (format nil "(a = (b + $~d::NUMERIC + ~d))" i i))))))) ;; using the [] reader (bind ((criteria [or ,@(iter (for i :from 1 :to n) (rebind (i) (collect (sql-= (sql-identifier :name 'a) (sql-+ (sql-identifier :name 'b) (sql-binding-variable :type (sql-integer-type) :name i) i)))))])) (is (string= expected (funcall [select (a b) t ,criteria])))) ;; building the AST by hand (bind ((criteria (sql-unquote :form `(apply 'sql-or (iter (for i :from 1 :to ,n) (rebind (i) (collect ,(sql-= (sql-identifier :name 'a) (sql-+ (sql-identifier :name 'b) (sql-unquote :form '(sql-binding-variable :type (sql-integer-type) :name i)) (sql-unquote :form '(sql-literal :value i))))))))))) (is (string= expected (funcall (compile nil (hu.dwim.rdbms::expand-sql-ast-into-lambda-form (sql-select :columns '(a b) :tables '(t) :where criteria))))))))) ;; TODO THL this test must be independent of what backend i'm using right now (def syntax-test test/syntax/expand-sql-ast/unquote/3 postgresql (&optional (n 3)) (bind ((criteria [or ,@(loop for i from 1 to n collect [= a (+ b ,(sql-binding-variable :type (sql-integer-type) :name (format-symbol (find-package :hu.dwim.rdbms.test) "VAR-~A" i)) ,i)])]) (extra-columns '(c d))) (bind (((:values command binding-variables binding-types binding-values) (funcall [select (a b ,@extra-columns) table (and (= a 42) (not (= b ,(sql-literal :type (sql-integer-type) :value 43))) ,criteria)]))) (is (string= command "SELECT a, b, c, d FROM table WHERE ((a = 42) AND (NOT (b = $1::NUMERIC)) AND ((a = (b + $2::NUMERIC + 1)) OR (a = (b + $3::NUMERIC + 2)) OR (a = (b + $4::NUMERIC + 3))))")) (is (null (first-elt binding-variables))) (is (every (rcurry #'typep 'sql-binding-variable) (subseq binding-variables 1))) (is (every (rcurry #'typep 'sql-integer-type) binding-types)) (is (eql (first-elt binding-values) 43)) (is (every #'null (subseq binding-values 1)))))) (def suite* (test/format :in test/backend)) (def ast-dialect-test test/syntax/format/identifier (sql-identifier :name "test_table") ((oracle "\"test_table\"") (t "test_table")) (sql-identifier :name 'test_table) ((oracle "\"test_table\"") (t "test_table"))) (def ast-dialect-test test/syntax/format/create-table (sql-create-table :name "a" :columns (list (sql-column :name "a" :type (sql-integer-type)))) ((oracle "CREATE TABLE \"a\" (\"a\" NUMBER(*,0))") (sqlite "CREATE TABLE a (a INTEGER)") (t "CREATE TABLE a (a NUMERIC)")) (sql-create-table :temporary :drop :name "a" :columns (list (sql-column :name "a" :type (sql-integer-type)))) ((oracle "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE \"a\" (\"a\" NUMBER(*,0)) ON COMMIT DROP") (sqlite "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE a (a INTEGER) ON COMMIT DROP") (t "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE a (a NUMERIC) ON COMMIT DROP"))) (def ast-dialect-test test/syntax/format/alter-table (sql-alter-table :name "a" :actions (list (sql-add-column-action :name "a" :type (sql-integer-type)))) ((oracle "ALTER TABLE \"a\" ADD (\"a\" NUMBER(*,0))") (sqlite "ALTER TABLE a ADD (a INTEGER)") (t "ALTER TABLE a ADD a NUMERIC")) (sql-alter-table :name "a" :actions (list (sql-alter-column-type-action :name "a" :type (sql-integer-type)))) ((oracle "ALTER TABLE \"a\" MODIFY (\"a\" NUMBER(*,0))") (sqlite "ALTER TABLE a ALTER COLUMN a TYPE INTEGER") (t "ALTER TABLE a ALTER COLUMN a TYPE NUMERIC")) (sql-alter-table :name "a" :actions (list (sql-drop-column-action :name "a"))) ((oracle "ALTER TABLE \"a\" DROP COLUMN \"a\"") (t "ALTER TABLE a DROP COLUMN a"))) (def ast-dialect-test test/syntax/format/drop-table (sql-drop-table :name "a") ((oracle "DROP TABLE \"a\"") (t "DROP TABLE a"))) (def ast-dialect-test test/syntax/format/create-index (sql-create-index :name "a" :table-name "a" :columns (list "a" "a")) ((oracle "CREATE INDEX \"a\" ON \"a\" (\"a\", \"a\")") (t "CREATE INDEX a ON a (a, a)"))) (def ast-dialect-test test/syntax/format/drop-index (sql-drop-index :name "a") ((oracle "DROP INDEX \"a\"") (t "DROP INDEX a"))) (def ast-dialect-test test/syntax/format/insert (sql-insert :table "a" :columns (list "a") :values (list "a")) ((oracle "INSERT INTO \"a\" (\"a\") VALUES ('a')") (t "INSERT INTO a (a) VALUES ('a')")) (sql-insert :table (sql-identifier :name "a") :columns (list (sql-identifier :name "a")) :values (list "a")) ((oracle "INSERT INTO \"a\" (\"a\") VALUES ('a')") (t "INSERT INTO a (a) VALUES ('a')"))) (def ast-dialect-test test/syntax/format/select (sql-select :columns (list "a") :tables (list "a")) ((oracle "SELECT \"a\" FROM \"a\"") (t "SELECT a FROM a")) (sql-select :columns (list (sql-all-columns)) :tables (list "a")) ((oracle "SELECT * FROM \"a\"") (t "SELECT * FROM a")) (sql-select :columns (list "a") :tables (list "a") :where (sql-binary-operator :name '= :left (sql-identifier :name "a") :right (sql-identifier :name "b"))) ((oracle "SELECT \"a\" FROM \"a\" WHERE (\"a\" = \"b\")") (t "SELECT a FROM a WHERE (a = b)")) (sql-select :columns (list (sql-identifier :name "a")) :tables (list (sql-identifier :name "a"))) ((oracle "SELECT \"a\" FROM \"a\"") (t "SELECT a FROM a")) (sql-select :columns (list (sql-column-alias :column "a" :table "b" :alias "c")) :tables (list (sql-table-alias :name "a" :alias "b"))) ((oracle "SELECT \"b\".\"a\" AS \"c\" FROM \"a\" \"b\"") (t "SELECT b.a AS c FROM a b"))) (def ast-dialect-test test/syntax/format/update (sql-update :table "a" :columns (list "a") :values (list "a")) ((oracle "UPDATE \"a\" SET \"a\" = 'a'") (t "UPDATE a SET a = 'a'")) (sql-update :table (sql-identifier :name "a") :columns (list (sql-identifier :name "a")) :values (list "a")) ((oracle "UPDATE \"a\" SET \"a\" = 'a'") (t "UPDATE a SET a = 'a'"))) (def ast-dialect-test test/syntax/format/delete (sql-delete :table "a") ((oracle "DELETE from \"a\"") (t "DELETE from a")) (sql-delete :table (make-instance 'sql-identifier :name "a")) ((oracle "DELETE from \"a\"") (t "DELETE from a"))) (def ast-dialect-test test/syntax/format/sequence (sql-create-sequence :name "a") ((oracle "CREATE SEQUENCE \"a\"") (t "CREATE SEQUENCE a")) (sql-drop-sequence :name "a") ((oracle "DROP SEQUENCE \"a\"") (t "DROP SEQUENCE a")) (sql-select :columns (list (sql-sequence-nextval-column :name "a"))) ((oracle "SELECT \"a\".nextval FROM dual ") (t "SELECT NEXTVAL('a')"))) (def ast-dialect-test test/syntax/format/lock (sql-lock-table :table "a" :mode :share :wait #f) ((oracle "LOCK TABLE \"a\" IN SHARE MODE NOWAIT") (t "LOCK TABLE a IN SHARE MODE NOWAIT")))