;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2006 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.rdbms.test) (def suite* (test/basic :in test/backend)) (def test test/basic/connect () (finishes (with-transaction (execute "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp (col CHAR)") (execute "DROP TABLE tmp")))) (def test test/basic/create-table () (finishes (unwind-protect (execute-ddl "CREATE TABLE test_table (name varchar(40))") (ignore-errors (execute-ddl "DROP TABLE test_table"))))) (def test test/basic/encoding () (bind ((unicode-text "éáúóüőű")) (unwind-protect (with-transaction (execute-ddl "CREATE TABLE test_table (name varchar(40))") (execute (format nil "INSERT INTO test_table VALUES ('~A')" unicode-text)) (is (string= (first-elt (first-elt (execute "SELECT name FROM test_table"))) unicode-text))) (ignore-errors (execute-ddl "DROP TABLE test_table"))))) (def test test/basic/basic-binding () (bind ((unicode-text "éáúóüőű")) (unwind-protect (with-transaction (execute-ddl [create table test_table ((name (varchar 50)))]) (execute [insert test_table (name) ((,unicode-text varchar))]) (is (string= (first-elt (first-elt (execute [select * test_table]))) unicode-text))) (ignore-errors (execute-ddl [drop table test_table]))))) (def test test/basic/basic-binding-with-string () (bind ((unicode-text "éáúóüőű")) (unwind-protect (with-transaction (execute-ddl [create table test_table ((name (varchar 50)))]) (execute "INSERT INTO test_table (name) VALUES ($1::CHARACTER VARYING)" ;; TODO binding-types don't really have much effect, doesn't do type checking on the values, etc :binding-types (vector (sql-character-varying-type)) :binding-values (vector unicode-text)) (is (string= (first-elt (first-elt (execute [select * test_table]))) unicode-text))) (ignore-errors (execute-ddl [drop table test_table]))))) (def test test/basic/binding () (bind ((columns (compile-sexp-sql-columns `((a (integer 32)) (string_column (varchar 50)) (integer_column (integer 32)) (boolean_true_column boolean) (boolean_false_column boolean) (b (integer 32))))) (binding-literals (loop for entry :in `(("éáúóüőű" varchar) (42 (integer 32)) (#t boolean) (#f boolean)) for value = (if (consp entry) (first entry) entry) for type = (when (consp entry) (second entry)) for idx :upfrom 0 collect (progn (setf type (if type (compile-sexp-sql-type type) (type-of (elt columns idx)))) (make-instance 'sql-literal :value value :type type))))) (unwind-protect (with-transaction (execute-ddl [create table test_table ,columns]) (execute [insert test_table ,columns ,(append (list (compile-sexp-sql-literal '(? named1 (integer 32)))) binding-literals (list (compile-sexp-sql-literal '(? named2 (integer 32)))))] :bindings `(named1 11 named2 22)) (execute [select ,columns test_table] :visitor (let ((first-time #t)) (lambda (row) (let ((idx -1)) (flet ((next () (elt row (incf idx)))) (is first-time) (setf first-time #f) (is (eql (next) 11)) (is (string= (next) (value-of (first binding-literals)))) (is (eql (next) (value-of (second binding-literals)))) (is (eql (next) (value-of (third binding-literals)))) (is (eql (next) (value-of (fourth binding-literals)))) (is (eql (next) 22))))))) (signals unbound-binding-variable-error (execute [insert test_table ,columns ,(append (list (compile-sexp-sql-literal '(? named1 (integer 32)))) binding-literals (list (compile-sexp-sql-literal '(? named2 (integer 32)))))]))) (ignore-errors (execute-ddl [drop table test_table]))))) (def test test/basic/terminal-action () (unwind-protect (progn (execute-ddl "CREATE TABLE test_table (x integer)") (with-transaction (execute "INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (42)") (is (= (first-elt (first-elt (execute "SELECT x FROM test_table"))) 42)) (mark-transaction-for-rollback-only)) (with-transaction (is (zerop (first-elt (first-elt (execute "SELECT count(*) FROM test_table")))))) (with-transaction (execute "INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (42)")) (with-transaction (is (= 1 (first-elt (first-elt (execute "SELECT count(*) FROM test_table"))))))) (ignore-errors (execute-ddl "DROP TABLE test_table")))) (def test test/basic/insert-record () (unwind-protect (let ((columns (compile-sexp-sql-columns `((a (integer 32)) (b (varchar 50)))))) (create-table 'test_table columns) (with-transaction (insert-record 'test_table columns (list 1 "test_table")) (let ((row (first-elt (select-records columns '(test_table))))) (is (= (elt row 0) 1)) (is (string= (elt row 1) "test_table"))))) (ignore-errors (execute-ddl [drop table test_table])))) (def test test/basic/update-records () (unwind-protect (let ((columns (compile-sexp-sql-columns `((a (integer 32)) (b (varchar 50)))))) (create-table 'test_table columns) (with-transaction (execute [insert test_table (a b) (:null :null)]) (is (eql 1 (update-records 'test_table columns (list 1 "test_table")))) (let ((row (first-elt (select-records columns '(test_table))))) (is (eql (elt row 0) 1)) (is (string= (elt row 1) "test_table"))))) (ignore-errors (execute-ddl [drop table test_table])))) (def test test/basic/index () (unwind-protect (let ((columns (compile-sexp-sql-columns `((a (integer 32)) (b (varchar 50))))) (index)) (create-table 'test_table columns) (with-transaction (create-index 'test_table_idx1 'test_table '(a b) :unique #f) (setf index (elt (list-table-indices 'test_table) 0)) (is (string= "test_table_idx1" (name-of index))) ;; order of columns (is (string= "b" (second (columns-of index)))) (is (string= "b" (elt (list-index-columns 'test_table_idx1) 1))) ;; update ;; don't update the index if it remains identical (not (update-index 'test_table_idx1 'test_table '(a b) :unique #f)) ;; but create a new one (with one column) if not (update-index 'test_table_idx1 'test_table '(a) :unique #f) (setf index (elt (list-table-indices 'test_table) 0)) (is (eq 1 (length (columns-of index)))) ;; drop (drop-index 'test_table_idx1) (not (list-table-indices 'test_table)) ;; unique (create-index 'test_table_idx2 'test_table '(a b) :unique #t) (setf index (elt (list-table-indices 'test_table) 0)) (is (unique-p index)) (execute [insert test_table (a b) (1 "value")]) (signals (or rdbms-error error) (execute [insert test_table (a b) (1 "value")])))) (ignore-errors (execute-ddl [drop table test_table])))) ;; TODO THL this test must be independent of what backend i'm using right now (def test test/basic/expand-sql-ast/binding () (unwind-protect (with-transaction (execute-ddl [create table test_table ((a boolean))]) (execute [insert test_table (a) (t)]) (is (length= 1 (execute (compile nil (expand-sql-ast-into-lambda-form-cached (sql-select :columns '(a) :tables '(test_table) :where (sql-= (sql-identifier :name 'a) (sql-unquote :form '(sql-binding-variable :name 'a :type (sql-boolean-type))))))) :bindings '(a t)))) (is (length= 1 (execute (compile nil (expand-sql-ast-into-lambda-form-cached (sql-select :columns '(a) :tables '(test_table) :where (sql-= (sql-identifier :name 'a) (sql-binding-variable :name 'a :type (sql-unquote :form `(sql-boolean-type))))))) :bindings '(a t))))) (ignore-errors (execute-ddl [drop table test_table]))))