;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.quasi-quote.test) (defsuite* (test/xml :in test)) (def special-variable *xml-stream*) ;; TODO should use define-syntax (def function setup-readtable-for-xml-test (&key with-inline-emitting (binary #t) indentation-width) (enable-quasi-quoted-list-to-list-emitting-form-syntax) (if binary (progn (enable-quasi-quoted-string-to-binary-emitting-form-syntax '*xml-stream* :encoding :utf-8 :with-inline-emitting with-inline-emitting) (enable-quasi-quoted-xml-to-binary-emitting-form-syntax '*xml-stream* :encoding :utf-8 :text-node-escaping-method :per-character :indentation-width indentation-width :with-inline-emitting with-inline-emitting) (enable-quasi-quoted-string-to-binary-emitting-form-syntax '*xml-stream* :encoding :utf-8 :with-inline-emitting with-inline-emitting)) (progn (enable-quasi-quoted-string-to-string-emitting-form-syntax '*xml-stream* :with-inline-emitting with-inline-emitting) (enable-quasi-quoted-xml-to-string-emitting-form-syntax '*xml-stream* :text-node-escaping-method :per-character :indentation-width indentation-width :with-inline-emitting with-inline-emitting) (enable-quasi-quoted-string-to-string-emitting-form-syntax '*xml-stream* :with-inline-emitting with-inline-emitting)))) (def syntax-test-definer xml-test (:test-function test-xml-emitting-forms :readtable-setup (setup-readtable-for-xml-test :with-inline-emitting #f)) (:test-function test-xml-emitting-forms :readtable-setup (setup-readtable-for-xml-test :with-inline-emitting #t))) (def syntax-test-definer xml-test/inline (:test-function test-xml-emitting-forms :readtable-setup (setup-readtable-for-xml-test :with-inline-emitting #t))) (def syntax-test-definer xml-test/normal (:test-function test-xml-emitting-forms :readtable-setup (setup-readtable-for-xml-test :with-inline-emitting #f))) (def function read-from-string-with-xml-syntax (string &key (with-inline-emitting #f) (binary #f) (indentation-width 2)) (with-local-readtable (setup-readtable-for-xml-test :with-inline-emitting with-inline-emitting :binary binary :indentation-width indentation-width) (read-from-string string))) (def function pprint-xml (string &key (with-inline-emitting #f) (binary #f) (indentation-width 2)) (downcased-pretty-print (macroexpand-all (read-from-string-with-xml-syntax string :with-inline-emitting with-inline-emitting :binary binary :indentation-width indentation-width)))) (def function emit/xml (string &key (with-inline-emitting #f) (binary #f) (indentation-width 2)) (bind ((form (read-from-string-with-xml-syntax string :with-inline-emitting with-inline-emitting :binary binary :indentation-width indentation-width))) (if binary (with-output-to-sequence (*xml-stream* :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (emit (eval form))) (with-output-to-string (*xml-stream*) (emit (eval form)))))) (def function test-xml-emitting-forms (expected ast) (bind ((lambda-form `(lambda () (with-output-to-sequence (*xml-stream* :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (emit ,ast))))) ;;(print (macroexpand-all lambda-form)) (is (equalp expected (octets-to-string (funcall (compile nil lambda-form)) :encoding :utf-8))))) (def function parse-xml-into-sxml (string) (labels ((drop-whitespace-nodes (node) (etypecase node (cons (list* (first node) (second node) (iter (for child :in (rest (rest node))) (unless (and (stringp child) (every 'cl-ppcre::whitespacep child)) (collect (drop-whitespace-nodes child)))))) (string node)))) (drop-whitespace-nodes (cxml:parse string (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder))))) (def test test/xml/escaping/1 () (is (string= "<1"2>3<&4>" (escape-as-xml "<1\"2>3<&4>"))) (let ((str "alma")) (is (eq str (escape-as-xml str))))) (def xml-test test/xml/escaping/2 () (「」 「")))>」) (「」 「")>」) (「<tunneled>42</tunneled>」 「42")>」)) (def xml-test test/xml/simple () (「」 「」) ;; this is braindead here, but let's just test that the name of the xml element is read unconditionally until ;; a newline, space, start-character, end-character or the unquote-character. (「」 「」) (「」 「 >」) (「」 「」) (「」 「」) (「Hello」 「」) ;; test that attribute list is optional (「」 「>」) (「」 「>」)) (def test test/xml/simple/bug/1 () (with-input-from-string (stream "") (is (string= (hu.dwim.quasi-quote.xml::read-quasi-quoted-xml-name stream #\< #\> #\,) "aaa$#@!]{}[]()bbb")))) (def xml-test test/xml/simple-dispatched () (「」 「`xml(element)」) (「」 「`xml(element (:attribute 1))」) (「」 「`xml(element (:attribute1 "1" :attribute2 "2"))」) (「Hello」 「`xml(element () "Hello")」) (「」 「`xml(element () (child))」) (「」 「`xml(element () child)」) (「<escaped>」 「`xml ""」)) (def xml-test test/xml/element-unquoting-dispatched () (「」 「`xml(,"element")」) (「」 「`xml(element () ,(make-xml-element "nested"))」) (「」 「`xml(element () (child1) ,(make-xml-element "child2") ,@(list (make-xml-element "child3") (make-xml-element "child4" (list (make-xml-attribute "attribute1" "1")))) (child5))」)) (def xml-test test/xml/element-unquoting () (「」 「<,"element">」) (「」 「」) (「」 「 ,(make-xml-element "child2") ,@(list (make-xml-element "child3") (make-xml-element "child4" (list (make-xml-attribute "attribute1" "1")))) >」) (「foobar」 「」)) (def xml-test test/xml/attribute-unquoting () (「」 「」) (「」 「」) (「」 「」) (「」 「」) (「」 ;; this one is testing that in inline emitting the returned +void+ is not princ-to-string'ed as before. ;; the bug was triggered in a situation 「」) (「」 「」) (「」 「」) (「」 「」)) (def xml-test test/xml/attribute-unquoting/bug/1 () ;; the issue is that constantp is surprisingly smart: ;; (constantp '(first '(""))) => T ;; (constantp '(first (list ""))) => NIL (with-expected-failures (「」 「」))) (def xml-test test/xml/case-sensitivity () ;; the xml reader is case sensitive, but unquoted regions are returning to the toplevel readtable's readtable-case (「」 「 ))>」)) (def xml-test test/xml/nested-through-macro-using-lisp-quasi-quote/1 () (「」 「(macrolet ((nester (tag-name attribute-value &body body) `<,,tag-name (attribute ,,attribute-value) ,@,@body>)) (nester "taggg" "atttr" >))」)) (def xml-test test/xml/nested-through-macro-using-lisp-quasi-quote/2 () (「」 「(macrolet ((nester (&body body) ;; first ,@ is for xml, the ,@body is for the lisp quasi-quote `>)) (nester ))」)) (def xml-test test/xml/nested-through-macro-using-lisp-quasi-quote/3 () (「」 「(macrolet ((nester (tag-name attribute-value &body body) `<,,tag-name (attribute ,,attribute-value) ,@,@body>)) ;; TODO because of the NIL (any non-xml node) in there this runs RUN-TRANSFORMATION-PIPELINE, but it shouldn't! (nester "taggg" "atttr" nil >))」)) (def xml-test test/xml/macrolet-in-unquote () (「value1value2」 「(macrolet ((wrapper (&body body) `)) (wrapper )) (list (x "tag1" "value1") (x "tag2" "value2")))> ))」)) (def xml-test test/xml/binary-bug-trigger () (「
」 「(macrolet ((render-dojo-widget (id &body body) `(progn (null ,id) ,@body))) (bind ((idd 42)) (render-dojo-widget idd
)))」)) (def test test/xml/sharp-plus-works () (enable-quasi-quoted-xml-syntax) (is (eql 42 (read-from-string "#+nil(< 1 2) 42")))) (def test test/xml/errors () (enable-quasi-quoted-xml-syntax) (signals reader-error (read-from-string ">")) (signals reader-error (read-from-string "")) (signals reader-error (read-from-string "")) (signals end-of-file (read-from-string " (read-from-string "")))) (is (equal '< (read-from-string "<"))) (is (equal '<= (read-from-string "<="))) (is (equal '(< a b) (read-from-string "(< a b)")))) (def xml-test test/xml/spliced-attribute-list () (「」 「」)) (def xml-test/normal test/xml/nested-unquoting () (「」 「))>」)) (def xml-test test/xml/mixed () (「Hello UN<>QUOTED World」 「QUOTED " "World"))>」) (「」 「」) (「」 「」)) (def xml-test/normal test/xml/reverse () ("" 「) (c2 )) (list c2 c1))>」))