;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.presentation.documentation) (def project :hu.dwim.presentation) (def method make-project-tab-pages ((component project/detail/inspector) (project (eql (find-project :hu.dwim.presentation)))) (append (call-next-method) (list (tab-page/widget (:selector (icon/widget switch-to-tab-page :label "Demo")) (hu.dwim.presentation.test:make-component-demo-content))))) (def book user-guide (:title "User guide") (chapter (:title "Introduction") (chapter (:title "What is hu.dwim.presentation?") (paragraph () "It is a scalable pure lisp-from-the-socket web server.")) (chapter (:title "Why not something else?") (paragraph () "There are other web servers in Common Lisp."))) (chapter (:title "Supported Platforms") (chapter (:title "Operating Systems") (paragraph () "Linux")) (chapter (:title "Common Lisp Implementations") (paragraph () "SBCL"))) (chapter (:title "Install Guide") ) (chapter (:title "Startup Server") ) (chapter (:title "Shutdown Server") ) (chapter (:title "Debug") ) (chapter (:title "Tutorial") (chapter (:title "Hello world") )) (chapter (:title "Concepts") (chapter (:title "HTTP Server") (chapter (:title "Server") ) (chapter (:title "Listen Entry") ) (chapter (:title "Entry point") )) (chapter (:title "Application Server") (chapter (:title "Application") ) (chapter (:title "Session") ) (chapter (:title "Frame") ) (chapter (:title "Request") ) (chapter (:title "Response") ) (chapter (:title "Action") ) (chapter (:title "File Serving") ) (chapter (:title "JavaScript File Serving") )) (chapter (:title "Component Server") (chapter (:title "Component") ) (chapter (:title "Immediate") ) (chapter (:title "Layout") ) (chapter (:title "Widget") ) (chapter (:title "Presentation") (chapter (:title "Maker") ) (chapter (:title "Viewer") ) (chapter (:title "Editor") ) (chapter (:title "Inspector") ) (chapter (:title "Filter") )) (chapter (:title "Text") (chapter (:title "Book") ) (chapter (:title "Chapter") ) (chapter (:title "Paragraph") )) (chapter (:title "Source") (chapter (:title "Variable") ) (chapter (:title "Function") ) (chapter (:title "Class") ) (chapter (:title "Dictionary") ) (chapter (:title "Package") ) (chapter (:title "System") )) (chapter (:title "Chart") (chapter (:title "Pie") ) (chapter (:title "Column") ) (chapter (:title "Line") ) (chapter (:title "Flow") )) (chapter (:title "Authentication") (chapter (:title "Login") ) (chapter (:title "Logout") )) (chapter (:title "Authorization") )))) (def dictionary render () to-be-rendered-component? mark-to-be-rendered-component mark-rendered-component render-component render-component-layer) (def dictionary editing () editable/mixin editable-component? edited-component? begin-editing save-editing cancel-editing store-editing revert-editing join-editing leave-editing) #| 1. WUI ------ An all-lisp web server, based on iolib. (test-system :hu.dwim.presentation) (start-test-server-with-wudemo-application) http://localhost.localdomain:8080/ (setf hu.dwim.util:*debug-on-error* t) 2. DOJO ------- You need to build dojo for WUI to work: svn checkout -r 18738 http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/trunk/ dojo/ svn update -r 18738 out of date! $DWIM_WORKSPACE/wui/etc/build-dojo.sh --dojo $DWIM_WORKSPACE/dojo --dojo-release-dir $DWIM_WORKSPACE/wui/wwwroot/ --profile $DWIM_WORKSPACE/wui/etc/wui.profile.js --locales "en-us,hu" |#