;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2013 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (in-package :hu.dwim.new-project.documentation) (def project :hu.dwim.new-project :description "This is a new project template that should be copied when starting a new one. Steps to create a new project called 'foo': - copy the whole directory of hu.dwim.new-project recursively into a directory called 'foo' - replace all occurances of 'new-project' in all files with 'foo' - rename files that include 'new-project' in their names to include 'foo' - take care about uppercase and camelcase letters - delete the '_darcs' directory, delete superfluous files, add new ones - the form (load-system :foo) should load the new 'foo' system - the form (test-system :foo) should run the empty test suite without errors - run 'darcs init', 'darcs add', 'darcs rec', and 'darcs put' according to your needs") (def book user-guide (:title "User guide") (chapter (:title "Introduction") (paragraph () "TODO")) (chapter (:title "Supported Common Lisp Implementations") (paragraph () "TODO")) (chapter (:title "Tutorial") (paragraph () "TODO")))