;;; -*- mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors. ;;; ;;; See LICENCE for details. (defsystem :hu.dwim.blog :defsystem-depends-on (:hu.dwim.asdf) :class "hu.dwim.asdf:hu.dwim.system" :depends-on (:hu.dwim.model :hu.dwim.presentation+hu.dwim.perec :hu.dwim.presentation+hu.dwim.web-server :hu.dwim.util/production) :components ((:module "source" :components ((:file "package") (:file "logger" :depends-on ("package")) (:file "variables" :depends-on ("logger")) (:module "model" :depends-on ("logger" "variables") :components ((:file "authorization" :depends-on ("model")) (:file "data" :depends-on ("model")) (:file "model"))) (:module "presentation" :depends-on ("model" "variables") :components ((:file "entry-point" :depends-on ("screen")) (:file "screen" :depends-on ("server")) (:file "server"))))))) (defmethod perform :after ((o hu.dwim.asdf:develop-op) (c (eql (find-system :hu.dwim.blog)))) #+sbcl(warn "As of this writing, you'll experiment a deadlock error signaled by sbcl when exporting the schema to the database for the first time. One possible workaround is to just comment out this method, and execute its contents from the REPL.") (eval (let ((*package* (find-package :hu.dwim.blog))) (read-from-string "(progn (setf *database* *blog-database*) (unless (connection-specification-of *database*) (setf (connection-specification-of *database*) `(:host \"localhost\" :port ,hu.dwim.rdbms.postgresql::+default-postgresql-database-server-port+ :database ,+default-database-name+ :user-name ,+default-database-user-name+ :password ,+default-database-password+))) (setf hu.dwim.perec::*compiled-query-cache* (make-compiled-query-cache)) (setf *debug-on-error* t) (setf (current-locale) (list \"en\")) (setf (running-in-test-mode? *blog-application*) t) (startup-server *blog-server*) (export-persistent-classes-to-database-schema))"))) (warn "Made sideffects on the following global variables: *database*, *compiled-query-cache*, *debug-on-error*, *locale*."))